Thursday, January 24, 2008

Paint Drips & Ribbons - Tricks-of-the-Trade > Step 2

This is a photo by photo display of how to accomplish this technique, which I can now see is not going to be nearly as easy as I thought to describe & teach on the Web.

Depending on the level you are and the level you want the Drips or Ribbons to be...will determine the volume of developer you use with the bleach. Here is another example where "bleach" comes to the rescue. Bleach goes in the foils to lighten the pieces, do NOT worry about it, its only a small portion of the hair. Remember your new mantra: " I Must Learn To Love Bleach "...."must learn to love Bleach"...!! What I've done is choose 1 of each....1 Paint Drip (larger-front piece) 1 Paint Drip ( small -side piece) and then 1 Full Ribbon. So you may see what each is and then look likes. Part of the specialty of this technique is "blending" them and "placing" them so it looks natural and fun.

Here is the front large Paint Drip....parted away from rest of hair, then applied bleach & 40 volume ( the hair on Dolly is much darker than her sister, and am not sure if its made for dying or not, remember I had these for "cuts" not color, I've noticed since that there are particular models for color. (oooops)
Fold up the Foil and seal . . . the heat that is generated from being folded up - helps the bleach work faster/better/etc. on a real person the heat from the scalp helps

Look at the paint drips on the beautiful girl on the right Side Bar, see the purple-blue-red drips --> just on the ends. That look is very easy to get and very fashion forward

See how I part away the hair. Being sure to keep the hair you do NOT WANT COLORED, away from the foil. You are using the foil to keep together the hair and the bleach, so it may work together. Separated from the rest of the hair, is what creates a lot of the cool looks in hair, I hope to show you that in stages this week.

I am showing this for one reason only, (stubborn hair only).... generally the rule is to NOT use heat with foils and bleach.....The rule is NO > Do not use heat on bleach.
I will be perfectly honest and admit there are just times when I need it.

There is stubborn hair, there is hair that is so resistant not only heat won't work -- sandpaper won't either!

As in everything there are exceptions to the rule... and that is exactly how it is with hair.... ESPECIALLY MOLLY's hair, this girl has dark skin and her hair is next to impossible, I have bleached the pieces a couple times each and used heat and they have barely budged.....

REAL human heads with real human hair are not like that, unless there is artifical color on it you are trying to remove. Normally you will watch the hair trun very fast, no heat needed ...Just open the foils, smooth the bleach off with your finger and look at the color of the hair. Yes, this takes experience but, you might as well start now.

Experiment with one small ribbon Underneath all of your hair, to just see how it works. There will be no harm done on one little piece of hair that can be covered up, if need be.
Stay tuned!


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