When even Oprah thinks dark's not better than light...
For those of you wondering how those damn celebrities have such Kick Ass Brows....I'm going to let you in on a secret used for many years on every set from here to Vancouver....& a product that's been around almost as long as the movies.
What happens when taking the Level 5 thru Level 1 eyebrow color up ( see why knowing the Level Colors help in a host of ways!!) to a softened beige is not an easy task to nail. For years part of every hair color service with me was an eyebrow tint at the same time...the "drapes MUST match the curtains!!" hee hee Even Oprah in all her glory and cash has found the secret to the beautiful brow when you are born with that dark brown to black brow. If you look at photos of her from the 80's when she began...she did not have the access to all the tricks of the trade. Now she OWNS THE TRADES.
The most poignant point about this bleach...is ...it does not get you where you want them to be in one step, for the majority . For a lucky few, it will....only after some practice. Its more than likely a 2 step process if you can believe that....which separates the Lions from the Lambs....who REALLY wants beautiful brows?
If you do, set aside an hour that first time. You have to play around with the timing as you will read in the instructions and everyone is different. Too light? and you will still have to use a nice beige eyebrow powder to fill them in, which is what I mean by a 2 step process. But at least you have killed those Jet black stripes across your brow, which is hell-acious on many people's complexion (personal preference abounds here). Too Dark and you can re-apply immediately, the directions are quite clear.
For the top starlets we bleach them very very light, then re-tint them as if we were coloring a head of hair so they are a beautiful beige, this way the color stays on all the time - we then give them some of the tint and instruct them how to re-tint if they need to before their next appointment. All that for the price of a small car! j/k.....but it is NOT cheap. {Do not try tinting them on your own, it is a tricky formulation which at some point in the near future will be a new post. They will end up orange or worse - the hair is such an odd texture it took a while to nail it}.

The product is Jolen Creme Bleach, now I have heard some use it for the "hair down there"... personally I use to do a small business on the side called PAINT BOX ( !! ) - we would bleach and then do shapes and bright colors - leopard prints....it was a blast....but I used the oil bleach....and still would I think it's safer.........the most important part? The masking off of the Private Parts ! ! ! Be very VERY careful!
If you have level 1 thru Level 5 Brow and your desire is a level 8 - 9 - 10 soft beige....
your product is JOLEN Bleach , it is made for the face and for the sensitive skin .
DO NOT US ANY OTHER TYPE OF BLEACH- PERIOD - or you will risk your brows.
This link shows several different sources, the $5.00 size is PLENTY if you only plan to do brows. The other size would last you, thru your grandchildren's... grandchildren!

2 sizes > 1 OZ & 4 OZ, price range from $4.00 - $10.00
For those of you wondering how those damn celebrities have such Kick Ass Brows....I'm going to let you in on a secret used for many years on every set from here to Vancouver....& a product that's been around almost as long as the movies.
What happens when taking the Level 5 thru Level 1 eyebrow color up ( see why knowing the Level Colors help in a host of ways!!) to a softened beige is not an easy task to nail. For years part of every hair color service with me was an eyebrow tint at the same time...the "drapes MUST match the curtains!!" hee hee Even Oprah in all her glory and cash has found the secret to the beautiful brow when you are born with that dark brown to black brow. If you look at photos of her from the 80's when she began...she did not have the access to all the tricks of the trade. Now she OWNS THE TRADES.
The most poignant point about this bleach...is ...it does not get you where you want them to be in one step, for the majority . For a lucky few, it will....only after some practice. Its more than likely a 2 step process if you can believe that....which separates the Lions from the Lambs....who REALLY wants beautiful brows?
If you do, set aside an hour that first time. You have to play around with the timing as you will read in the instructions and everyone is different. Too light? and you will still have to use a nice beige eyebrow powder to fill them in, which is what I mean by a 2 step process. But at least you have killed those Jet black stripes across your brow, which is hell-acious on many people's complexion (personal preference abounds here). Too Dark and you can re-apply immediately, the directions are quite clear.
For the top starlets we bleach them very very light, then re-tint them as if we were coloring a head of hair so they are a beautiful beige, this way the color stays on all the time - we then give them some of the tint and instruct them how to re-tint if they need to before their next appointment. All that for the price of a small car! j/k.....but it is NOT cheap. {Do not try tinting them on your own, it is a tricky formulation which at some point in the near future will be a new post. They will end up orange or worse - the hair is such an odd texture it took a while to nail it}.

The product is Jolen Creme Bleach, now I have heard some use it for the "hair down there"... personally I use to do a small business on the side called PAINT BOX ( !! ) - we would bleach and then do shapes and bright colors - leopard prints....it was a blast....but I used the oil bleach....and still would I think it's safer.........the most important part? The masking off of the Private Parts ! ! ! Be very VERY careful!

If you have level 1 thru Level 5 Brow and your desire is a level 8 - 9 - 10 soft beige....
your product is JOLEN Bleach , it is made for the face and for the sensitive skin .
DO NOT US ANY OTHER TYPE OF BLEACH- PERIOD - or you will risk your brows.
This link shows several different sources, the $5.00 size is PLENTY if you only plan to do brows. The other size would last you, thru your grandchildren's... grandchildren!

2 sizes > 1 OZ & 4 OZ, price range from $4.00 - $10.00
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