Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The natural color of the hair on your head you were born with
>is called "virgin" hair - within the walls of Hair color education

Becoming familiar with the "Natural Levels Color Chart" will help you in explaining to your stylist what you want and understanding your hair better if you are a home hair colorist
Become familiar with the chart
it will help now and in the future with determining
your hair color and talking to your Stylist

Here is a simplified example of how a Colourist calculates
your formula to colour your hair: She is a Level 7 and would like to be lighter ...lets say the goal is a Level 9
so....go up the chart - 1 - 2 levels.......
which peroxide lifts 2-3 Levels ?
30 Volume is the ANSWER !
The end formula will be to mix a tube of Level 9-10 light blonde + plus 30 volume peroxide (ash/gold/neutral tone - your choice)
What level are you?
What level would you like to be?
how would you get there?

HIGHLIGHTS IN HOLLY- HOOD - Hefners Bombshells Ignite Trend in Hair Color

Holly, Kendra and Bridget...blond times 3.The white blond put on the map by Miss Monroe has popped back up as a popular request in Salon Colour departments in on and around LA.

Most begin as a virgin (natural) level 2-6 the road is far long and lonely if not done correctly.

The process ....Bleach and Tone -- the trick to it?

There are a few..

As always test all hair products on skin for sensitivities 24 hours prior to use - with small patch test. ( email request for directions if needed).

There are tricks to every coloring process . . those tricks are what make a great hair stylists stand out from the good' ones

Best performance: on virgin hair ( no previous color) remember color does NOT lift color. {with previously colored hair - go to professional}..


  • bowl & tint brush

  • old shirt and towel to protect bathroom and your clothes

  • OIL BLEACH...I would reccommend

  • 20 & 40% Volume Developer ( peroxide)

  • Anyone wishing the application procedure email request to

Yes, its very true..........blonds do have more fun!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Hard to say.....Harder even to realize.......
Proven these to myself over years and multitudes of clients... it really is common sense....
the sooner you stop ... the more you will keep ...
its in your hands now, I'm not here to judge, just help, educate & inspire

Tuesday, May 22, 2007



If you choose one of these TYPES of color techniques, you will want to carefully consider the choice before going forward ...this is not the typical blow and go style...
Commonly referred to as "Hair Show Techniques"
they are for the:
"I am very committed to my hair" group....
this type of color is good for the very:

  • patient
  • unique
  • meticulous
  • bold
  • art-y
  • confidant
  • clothes conscience
  • wears make-up

Its a bold and can be a beautiful sight, looking best if you try not to be a freak along with it, but a beauty. It can be done...I've done it and I see in LA all the time.
Try to take that same cool look to where YOU live.

Find a Hair Stylist that either has graduated from the YEAR LONG program at Vidal Sassoon ( they are all over the world) or ask around for one who is an "artist" as well ( painter / sculpture ) artist will do these techniques well.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Yellow Blonde vs White Blonde(Platinum) - - Colour Wheel Solves Yellow-y Blonde Hair

Notice the 2
different shades
(tones) of bleached
blonde hair of
these 2 men :
Brad Pitt & a

model that looks like him


Probably seems strange how a colour wheel can relate to hair colour
most brilliant ideas go back to "the basics",here is nothing more basic than the Colour Wheel
  • it would be the tones of hair colours that are objectionable to many
  • in blondes: the yellow tone of a blond is very unappealing
  • redheads: a lot of red has washed out and ORANGE / GOLD will be the objectionable shades in a tinted redhead
  • objectionable Brunettes would be too "GREEN" brunette (ash)

All of it,of course, is personal preference and how style and trends have changed.
There was a time when I really did not like ASH toned colors at all. Now I choose them often, it took 13 years for me to learn to like them but the trends had changed & I had to change. A client and a stylist can have completely different ideas so I do not like to make any definitive guidelines. What I want to do is show you how to counter whatever objectionable tone you may have in your hair colour, the rule applies to all colours & tones. The most common across the board- distaste for a hair colour would be a too-yellow blond - (you almost need sunglasses for) .
As you see above in Mr. Pitt.

Now with someone of that caliber you wonder why in the world would he have this horrid shade of yellow in his bleached blonde hair??
He's an actual - true (Virgin) Dark Blonde - Level 7- NA - Neutral/Ash.
He has all the money in the world to have the best Colorist on the planet, why would he go out in public with hair like that?
I can tell you why...
These shots are from 2005 - end of the year.
Guys do NOT understand hair color, I promise you. . . .very very few, get it. The Gays are pretty good with it, its a unique concept, as I am sure you are noticing.
( The fourth step of the 10,000HEADS Program is Hair Colour and the proper use of it. Instead of just reading you the riot act about finding a great colourist (not always possible for many reasons), I decided to start explaining some of the intricacies of hair colour you might have to take into your own hands. )
Look at Pitt he couldn't even get it right.
Although if you remember for the first few years of his career he did know how to dress, he finally hired a stylist...he's looked great ever since.
The reason?.......end of 2005 is when Pitt and Aniston broke up.....she uses some of the best hair people on the planet....he lost that when he left her.
Jolie knows nothing about hair colour, although he was in between the 2 at the time trying to make sense out of his life ( bet he regrets it all now!).
I heard Jennifer said, "Tell Brad: Billy Idol called and wants his hair back..."
Billy Idol would be horrified his hair was never yellow. EVER.

The method of fixing a too yellow blond is the best way to show you how the color wheel relates to hair colour.
In order to cancel the yellow tone in the blond one must head to the colour wheel (until you memorize it)
The opposite of yellow?
Purple/Violet or even a Blue-Violet BASED toner the answer..
Here is an example and I know why it happened as well..
The purple being the opposite colour knocks out the yellow tones and returns the overall appearance to a neutral.
All Toners for Blondes have an underlying base to them, toners are a transparent colour... many times you cannot get the absolute perfect shade or tone that you desire with a one step (single process) colouring technique.
Which is why I differentiate between hair colour and "SHOW" Hair Colour.
When doing hair for Hair Shows the entire goal is to achieve the absolute most brilliant Tones / Shades & / Hues that are possible. Its a shame that not all hair is done that way.
It was one of my faults in my hair business, I would always do hair at that level which slows down the day. Time is of the essence in getting clients in and out of the Salon.

Applying a blue-violet or purple based Toner to the yellow blonde will kill the yellow and make the blond a very pleasant Platinum ( think Marilyn Monroe white-blonde) or like the gentleman model on the right at top of the page.
SEE THE DIFFERENCE THE PROPER TONER MAKES?. PItt has no toner on his bleached mess, the bleached model has a violet based Platinum Toner from Wella which was left on the hair for 25 minutes after the bleaching process.
Mixing toners produce wonderful results - having multiple dozens of brands and tones, there is nothing more fun than playing with hair colour toners on blondes, silly, huh?
I love it!
The same process works for every hair colour, they have toners in all shades and tones. The too-green (ASH) Browns...using a red brown (AUBURN) toner will warm that brown right up...and so on.
A toner has three possible names
  1. Toner

  2. Semi-Permanent color

  3. Demi-Permanent color

They are very low volume peroxide colours there is no lift (cannot go lighter). The colours end up being very transparent / washing out easily, it is especially important to use a sulfate-free shampoo.

Color Wheels for Reference

go across(opposite) for whatever colour you want to get rid of to neutralize

Sunday, May 13, 2007

TECHNORATI ROX - ( I hope!?)

Technorati Profile

Color Wheel and Hair Color

Colour Wheel

Remember these from school?
Everyone must have broken out the Crayon box and colored a colour at some point in life. You may not remember, but it is a part of education in most countries, the reason ?
Every person see’s colors differently

Demonstrates no 2 colour wheels are the same; purpose of the exercise

Primary colors: Red, Yellow, blue
Secondary Colours: Green, Purple,Orange
Tertiary Colours: Red-Purple, Orange-Red,
Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Purple

Have you ever seen the colored shampoos/conditioners? For years they have had a product that grey hair older ladies use called “Shimmering Lights” it is a purple colored conditioner and shampoo , which takes the “yellow” out of grey, grey hair is actually hair with NO pigment in the strand and with all the lousy water, the yellowing is merely the water tingeing the grey/colorless hair, yellow. Why do you think they call them “blue hairs”?Overdoing“Shimmering Lights”!!

Permanent colours : are not the colour in the bowl they end up to be.
Semi Permanent ( no developer): This colour will look like the colour it ends up being on your hair.

Another trick? With a very simple solution: make your own Toner Conditioner to use with every shampoo. At local beauty supply...

  • purchase a bottle of one of many semi-permanent brilliant colors like: MANIC PANIC, CRAZY COLOURS, , purchase Purple.
  • Buy your favorite daily conditioner and an empty plastic bottle or better yet a jar ( travel jar).
  • Put 8 oz of your conditioner in a bowl, add about a teaspoon of the purple Crazy Colour, mix really well with a whisk and put back in the travel jar or bottle ( with funnel ). It will look like a lavender condtioner now ( it will lightly tone your hair every time you use it).

Directions for use: Shampoo hair at beginning of shower, apply conditioner letting it sit on hair for remainder of shower ( 4-8 minutes)… rinse hair as normal. Check hair in mirror, If still yellow – repeat process > add another teaspoon of purple to mixture. Continue doing this until the colour is right for your hair, going up a teaspoon at a time. If for some strange reason it is too purple…Shampoo once. Its semi-permanent and comes out very easily! Its both a matter of the right amount of purple and right amount of time you have left it on the hair, as factors that effect outcome. No reason to ‘buy’ the colored conditioners besides this will work a million times better as you have control over the amount of purple so it can be tremendously more effective .

Monday, May 7, 2007

Healthy-Thick Hair is By-Product of YOGA

The Practice of YOGA cures more than most realize. . . . .

The practice of Yoga has shown to radically improve all 4 of the hair loss issues; hair loss/hair thinning/hair fall and hair damage.

In the last year the amount of calls to the clinic for FEMALE hair loss consultations more than quadrupled.

The amount of women complaining about the hair loss4 is at an all time record high and is multiplying - daily. The issue of hair loss with women is a completely different animal than for men.

Men lose hair first in two places: at the top of the head and at the hairline (receding hairline) and as it advances the two eventually meet, that does not happen to women.

Women have diffuse hair loss.
Meaning a gradual - even - overall loss, the entire head of hair 'lessens'.

The 'way' in which the hair is lost on women is different... so the solutions are different.

The entire head of hair has lost hair strands so the overall 'thickness' is less. The size of the ponytail is smaller, the amount of hairs found in the brush drastically increase.

The # 2 Solution to healthy thick hair ?

the amount of time you spend "upside down" is the reason for the improvement in clients hair that practice YOGA. Many of the postures and stances have the body in an inversion. We require Yoga, as a condition of signing up with Killer Strands for female hair loss issues, the 3rd Step of the program is "STRESS" and relief of it. We have run a couple Clinical Trials and YOGA has proven to be one of the best solutions to hair health problems.

There are many reasons YOGA works for the health of your hair, but the number 1 reason is the amount of time you spend upside down. With your blood being forced to the head, it gives the follicle and hair bulb much needed nourishment. For your entire life you are in the upright position...your blood has to work much harder going up to the head. I have run tests on clients follicles before starting YOGA and after....when observed under a microscope the difference in the health of the hair strand, follicle and bulb is truly remarkable. The bulb appears pink and healthy after 6 months of YOGA practice....before the practice the follicle was starting to wither away and appeared as though the hair was diminishing away... 6 months of YOGA changed the entire look of the follicle and bulb.

This is one of the easier solutions to having healthy thick hair, although women still want a pill or plastic surgery, I'm convinced it's human nature to want a 'quick-fix'.

Personally, I find YOGA the single best and most brilliant answer to female hair loss. Its not only good for the hair, its good for the body, mind and spirit .

Yoga relaxes and can be life-changing for many people. Just this month I had one of my tougher cases of thinning hair on a 52 year old female client. She was given the 10,000HEADS Healthy Hair Program a year ago, and was following 8 out of the 10 steps (its rare to get someone to actually commit to all 10 steps - the more the better). She was not following Steps 3 and 10 which are "Stress" and the "Secret Weapon Supplement". Under the category of stress it is required that a yoga practice a minimum of 3 days per week be started. This woman's work is extremely stressful ... the step she needed most, was the one she was not doing. Following just the 8 steps had stopped her from losing anymore hair, so she was pretty happy with just those results. About 10 weeks ago she took her first yoga class....3 weeks ago - I was dumbfounded when she came in. Her hair (finally) did a complete 180... not only is it a completely different texture, she has at least twice the amount of hair she used to have, YOGA was her 'trigger-point' .You have never seen a more happy hair client than this woman, thanking me a million and one times she is thrilled with YOGA. Everyone has a 'trigger-point'...which is the trigger to what started that particular person's hair health decline. There is no way to actually know what a person's is, 85% of female trigger points are covered by the 10 Steps of 10,000HEADS HEALTHY HAIR PROTOCOL.
More on this will follow, but for now find your local yoga studio....look up one of the many DVD's...or for more info on YOGA there is a terrific magazine/website:

you do not need to be limber, young or skinny to practice YOGA...Yoga teaches acceptance and encourages leaving any competitiveness outside the studio walls

The best part of yoga :

it is designed for everyone.....

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Sunday, May 6, 2007


Its funny, picking out a shampoo seems like a fairly simple task. . . in truth, it can be mind boggling. There are thousands of brands and thousands of options.I would like the subject of shampoo to make as much sense to you as it does to me, therefore I am on a new bubble-headed mission.....I am starting a weekly article about SHAMPOO... until I have exhausted the subject, approaching the topic of shampoo from every angle known to man!
Finding your perfect shampoo is no easy task. With such a huge range offered to the consumer from drug store brands to professional, from anti-dandruff to extra volume, we are literally soaked with choices.
Do you walk down the aisles at your Beauty Supply or the local Target and feel overwhelmed?
You're not alone. And the bad news is, over 80% of you are rumoured to be using the wrong shampoo for your hair type!
My goal?
to de-mystify shampoo and the manner in which you choose your shampoo.
How can you find your shampoo soul mate?
The fastest, most accurate solution?
When making an appointment with a qualified Stylist or Colourist at your local Salon for a cut or colour ask for a shampoo recommendation.
If that is not an option for you, the following will be helpful.
As a Cosmetic Chemist, when an order for a new shampoo formula comes across my desk, the very first requirement for end result? the "HAIR type" needs to be answered.... is the hair coloured or virgin?
The first question would be: do you colour your hair? or is it virgin hair?
Shampoo's are formulated for colour-treated hair or non colour treated or 'virgin' hair.
Secondly the Shampoo is formulated and designed for a specific "condition" of hair: dry/normal/oily/damaged/frizzy.
The second question you answer about your hair in picking a shampoo: What condition is my hair?
This is one of the main factors to consider. If your hair is dry you don't need a shampoo that will strip your hair of oil, likewise if your hair is shouldn't be using a moisture shampoo. Your ideal shampoo will help restore your hair to a manageable condition, so figure out what your hair needs most, whether this is colour maintenance, moisture or strength etc.
Many people will use a curl-friendly shampoo if their hair is curly, but if you're styling your hair straight this is a definite no-no. A curl activator will do nothing to create the poker straight hair you're aiming for, but a smoothing shampoo will put you right on track. Remember, shampoo won't work miracles - its job is to cleanse the hair and create a good foundation, its your products that do the styling.
Think about your wash frequency. Avoid using anything too harsh or that's likely to strip away natural oils if you're going to be washing your hair daily.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ( SLS)> must be avoided .
Watch out for this ingredient in your shampoos..
This chemical is one of the causes of the new hair loss cases in women. I will continue to speak out on it, because it needs to be abolished in our products.
Why? There is no truth to the rumour that hair becomes immune to hair products...different products have different ingredients, if the dreaded Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is in one and not in another...then of course the 2 shampoos are going to have different reactions.That's all it is....No immunity factor...
Enough bubbles for a foam party does not make a good hair wash! A rich lather doesn't always mean hair is cleaner as it is controlled chemically. Moisturising shampoos will not develop into a huge lather like the one for greasy hair due to their make-up.
Are professional products much better than drug store lower priced models?
Its all about reading labels. Once you have realized which ingredients there are that you must avoid ( later in the site I will make a business card print out to put in your wallet with the names of the chemicals that are to be avoided at all costs.). Once you have that list you may shop whereever your pocketbook leads you.
Its not the price of the products... its the ingredients that makes the differences you should watch out for.
Doing a quick Sulfate-free shampoo search. . . . there are starting to be a number of $5.00/$6.00/$7.00 shampoos without the dreaded SLS ingredient.. a couple phone calls revealed a couple major shampoo manufacturers...... the number 1 HOT ITEM in shampoos coming up? SULFATE-FREE! this is a very nice $5.00 bottle of sulfate-free shampoo, the change is happening.


Colour After-Treatment Process

Throughout these posts you may find my views different from the norm, that would stem from specializing in 3 fields instead of one. More often than not I eliminate useless steps and tasks purely developed for tacking on a few extra bucks to a bill or invoice. That just was never me. I work on the theory: the better the job I do, the more people will flock to me, it has worked well in life for me.

No sooner said....I am asking you to add a step to your regimen you most likely have never heard of. I would be surprised if many stylists use this step routinely it adds 'time constraints' to an already overcrowded day usually, it is just as important as a neutralizer is with a perm, in my opinion....basically its the same thing.

This is something every person with $150 - $250. highlights should be aware of. Choose your words carefully when trying to find out if your stylist does the step. Be nice!

An after-treatment is absolutely necessary for oxidative hair colour treatment ( any colour with peroxide). Only with these after-treatments can residues of hydrogen peroxide, alkali or perusulphate ( bleach) be removed. When you put your hair through the colouring process you are shaking up the pH level. After a colour, perm, straightening or any chemical process is complete the hair goes into a type of 'mini-shock' and the single best way to 'un-shock' and restore & relax your hair to its original pH level is to apply one of these after-treatment's for 10-20-30 minutes.

Its really very simple after your last rinse you apply the product to hair, comb thru, leave on: 10-20-30 minutes and rinse. That's it, you're ready to go and your hair is one happy damn camper!

Effects of an after-treatment:
Removes hydrogen peroxide, alkali, and peroxide residues.
Closes the cuticle layer and give the hair shine
Stabilises colour for longer durability of the colour
Protects from creeping oxidation
Makes the hair easier to comb

The trick here is using the right must have the correct ingredients to accomplish the process. There are hundreds of lines of colour...Matrix, Redken, Clairol, Framesi, Goldwell, Renbow each one makes an after-treatment product. Its just not one of those "glitzy" packages or marketing wonders that drown our universe. But a very necessary part of the process for healthy hair. I think the world of Wella's and have used it for years, the price is super reasonable as well.

Those of you that do your hair at home can apply the process as well. There are thousands of Sally Beauty Supply's and as awkward as it is for me to use them, its the most convenient store to refer to when dealing with people outside my area. They have many similar products made specifically in the lower price ranges...I have found some absolute gems there for condtioning hair. A big secret to all hair types?? The "ethnic" hair care section, some of the best hair restructurizers and conditioners on the market. They use organic shea & mango butters and luxurious carrier oils in their formulations which is the epitome of fine ingredient selection, with rock bottom pricing you cannot beat it. Killer Strands is located in the heart of L.A. so we have access to many wonderful sources. I'd like this site to work for everyone, across the country.

At Sally's you can purchase an after-treatment by Wella, called "IN -DEPTH", one of the best kept secrets on the hair planet! I would highly advise getting a couple jugs and using frequently if your hair is damaged, or even dry... last I checked it was under $5.00! and is a whopping 16 oz! This is an excellent After-Treatment, it deals with the pH level better than anything I have found.

Remember, having your hair at the proper pH level (slightly acidic - 4.5 to 5.5) produces shiny-healthy-happy hair.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Blow The Woman Down !

"Fringe" Versus "Bangs" - - is it all in the terminology?

I just cannot get used to saying the word "bangs" ... I was taught the word FRINGE, fringe makes sense... so it is just beyond me that people continue to want to call it bangs. I'm trying to change the country on this person at a time!

Here is what Wikipedia has to say..

A fringe (or bangs in the U.S. and Canada) is the front part of the hair, cut to hang or curl over the forehead.

hairstyling, it can be swept to the side, similar to the side part, except that it does not cover the eyes. The British term fringe refers to the resemblance of the short row of hair to ornamental fringe trim. The North American term bangs may have come from the use of the word bang to connote something sudden or abrupt, and the idea that the hair over the forehead comes to an abrupt end after just a few inches.[1] [2] There are other terms such as patch, which connotes the coloring of said overlying bangs. But the term has been around for so long I am starting to believe this last suggestion might be the authentic answer I am looking for.
That "bangs" as a young lady's hairstyle almost certainly originated with the practice of cutting horses' tails straight across, a style known to this day as a "bang-tail."

Hairstyles that feature fringes have come and gone in and out of fashion as frequently as other hairstyles, and they can be worn in any number of styles. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, poofy, curly, teased fringes were in fashion...the most frequently asked for style this season is the sweeping side fringe similar to what Nicole Ritchie has in the photos above.

Kelly Clarkson adds depth and spark to her hair with the use of "clip-in" extensions, the only extensions I endorse are the clip in style. They come out at the end of the day. Granted there are people that get away with the others and have no problems - but the problems and damage I have encountered on clients far outweighs the good.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


hair twiddling, hair pulling , skin picking,
eyebrow & eyelashing pulling

Definition: Trichotillomania is hair loss caused by compulsive pulling and/or twisting of the hair until it breaks off. The hair may be lost in round patches or diffusely across the scalp. The effect is an uneven appearance. Other hairy areas may be plucked, such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, or body hair.

You may think I have gone off my rocker with this subject . . . but to be perfectly honest it is more prevalent than many think. It has been estimated as high as 10% of the population being affected by it... & when you look at the numbers of hair loss : 90-95% of all female hair loss is TEMPORARY, 5% is permanent and another 10% is "Trich"...that is a helluva lot of people. So with the whispering responses I have had over the years I know how many of the secretive sufferers are out there. I am interested in helping them as well, it is still a hair problem that needs focus on it.
Basically it is an OCD ( obsessive compulsive disorder).

Alternative Names:
Compulsive hair pulling, hair twiddling, skin picking,

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
Trichotillomania is a type of compulsive behavior and its causes are not clearly understood. Symptoms usually begin before the age of 17. It may affect as much as 10% of the population. People with this disorder will often seek the help of a dermatologist initially. Women are 4 times more likely to be affected than men.

Why do I pull my hair out?
. . . . because they have this disorder called trichotillomania. 80% of trichsters report an itch-like urge to pull and there may well be a cause similar to folliculitis (inflammation of the hair root) or an irritation to the very natural and normal skin yeast, Malassezia. There are usually, however, substantial emotional issues which may preceed the irritation and benefit from
Trichotillomania typically begins at puberty, when the stress hormones and skin oils which exacerbate Malassezia are at their highest. There is no doubt that stress triggers trichsters to pull more, so developing strong stress responses does help in controlling the urges. A sophisticated blend of skills, needs to be balanced to reach full recovery.
Some regular visitors to this site have had trichotillomania for a number of years and have successfully balanced all the information gleaned here, to achieve pull free status, permanently.
For trichsters, the pulling brings relief and is not at all painful. It is generally felt to be soothing. Most report feelings of guilt and shame surrounding their hair pulling.

These are ideas that have helped others to stay pull free -

Exposure to Sunlight
Playing my
Acceptance of my condition
Cutting out sugar, glucose caffeine and popcorn.
Getting up and doing something to take my mind off it
Covering my scalp with shampoo, lotion and hair conditioner (all mixed)
Playing with Beanies
Keeping a diary
Getting lots of sleep
squeezing a stress ball
Wearing a hat
working out
Having false fingernails makes gripping impossible
Not being alone
Taking a long hot shower
Rug making
Silly Putty
Wet hair
Wearing gloves
Stop 'n Grow
Colouring or drawing
tapestry or cross stitch
talking to other

throwing away the tweezers
Being involved and active
Having my hands occupied
wearing plasters on my fingertips
Going for a walk
Playing good music and dancing or singing,
Going out somewhere public
taking a hot bath
studying at the library rather than home
plenty of sleep
Eating bananas
taking potassium supplements
Staying away from people who put me down
I keep my correspondence in a box by the television so I can write cheques, pay bills and write envelopes while watching.
Eating a pomegranate. It takes AGES and you can watch a whole film while picking at the seeds. Sunflower seeds also occupy the hands.
Pairing my socks while watching TV
Reading only in public - i.e. on a bench in a park.
Sorting my sewing box while watching TV
I only allow myself 30 mins of TV at a time. I can manage to stay pull free for 30 mins
Stroking a pet
Asking for what I want.
making patterns with pins in a pin cushion, then pulling them out and starting over again.
I keep my nail polishes by the TV. Polishing my nails gives me time to refocus on something else and forget my urge to pull.

These symptoms are usually seen in children:
constant tugging, pulling, or twisting of hair
increasing sense of tension is present before the hair pulling
sense of relief, pleasure, or gratification is reported after the hair pulling
hair pulling leads to an uneven appearance
bare patches or diffuse loss of hair
hair regrowth in the bare spots that feels like stubble
some individuals may develop a bowel obstruction if they eat the hair they pull out
other self-injury behaviors may be present

People suffering from this disorder often deny pulling out their hair.
I was shocked the first couple months, when first seeing clients within the privacy of the hair loss clinic,not at the disease, at how prevalent it is. This is a much more common problem than I had ever realized, or had ever encountered within the walls of the Salon or Lab...which is not bad, just surprizing. As I studied up, learning all I could about the syndrome, I realized that I had 2 people within my own personal world that most likely qualified for at least a minor version of the issue. We call it Trich. now at the clinic (Trick) and the clients with it: "Trich-sters"...we actually 'borrowed' the nick names from the most helpful of all web sites devoted to the issue, the one that is based in the U.K. www.
Trichotillomania assoc. United Kingdom .

If anyone is suffering from this... our single best advice is to join the online membership of this society, and log into their support center, they have tremendous research and support, their program is dynamic, loving, innovative and most of all > successful. You can see why, within the first few minutes of logging in, its one of those gold mines of the Internet.

Not only is more likely to occur in women but it most likely to occur around puberty or menopause. I had one young woman who had been pulling her hair for about 9 years, starting right after puberty & the first case I ever saw was a 51 year old woman.

Trichotillomaina occurs when the twiddling gradually reaches the pulling stage, whereby the hairs are repeatedly pulled out one by one, eventually causing a thin or bald patch that can cover quite large areas. Its the hairs which cause momentary pain when pulled that are fully pulled out - so they test each hair first by pulling to see which one might hurt most, then tug it out.The satisfaction of this encourages them to pull out another one and so on. It can go on for years because the hair from the pulled follicle grows back - at least at first. It's interesting though, that the pulling takes place in areas which can be more easily camouflaged and covered with hair that is left. However, there have been cases where almost all the hair has been pulled out,only leaving a fringe around the head - almost like a halo. Furthermore women with thicker more luxuriant hair seem to be more prone.

There can be deep psychological and sexual undertones in this condition: from mild masochism, sexual gratification and attention seeking ( because those close to the perpetrator (so to speak) are usually aware of the hair loss, don't know why its happening, are sympathetic, worry about them and pay them more attention).
The sufferer becomes more and more perturbed about the loss of hair, knowing that they are solely responsible but unable to find a way to break the habit. However the sufferers rarely admit to it and they usually need delicate negotiation to let them know that you care which is why I find the British web site so effective.

It is truly a difficult habit to break. Occasionally psychological therapy is needed. There are other ways that require a lot of time and patience too. One trick is to wear thick gloves during temptation times, especially at night ( when the condition may be at its peak of temptation), so that the hair cannot be gripped. Another is to cut it very short so it is impossible to get a hold of; or cover the hair with a slippery cream or oil; wear a scarf over the head; or a combination of the two or more of these solutions. Its a matter of interrupting the habit..sometimes playing with video games or knitting takes the mind off playing with the hair.

The process reminds me of trying to get a child weaned off of the bottle or the pacifier....which is one theory I personally have about it. I think women have a sort of oral fixation that is not totally satisfied around those ages that it is the most predominant. Many women seem to go through the change in their sexual drive around both of the milestones (puberty & menopause) I think that is somehow tied into the craving to do it. There are just too many people with this affliction for there not to be some substantial theories in regards to it. Currently there are a number of Clinical Trials going on in regards to the Syndrome, so it will be months/years before we receive the results. . . but I expect some radical new theories with each one.

The condition is often misdiagnosed as it looks a lot like Alopecia Areata, a hair loss occurring in patches, which can look very similar. The reluctance by many to admit to the real problem that "they' are the ones pulling it out leads to misdiagnosis. The whole entity is very very secretive and private...they want to keep it all to themselves, which is another underlying psychological aspect of the overall condition.

Support for "Trich.sters"
The following contains some crucial advice concerning how you can support someone with trichotillomania.
It is nothing you have done that causes a person to pull out hair. Trichotillomania is a disorder. A person with Trich is a NORMAL person who has a disorder. Any loved one would want to solve the problem … but the solution ALWAYS comes from the person themselves and the best you can do is to empower them to make their own decisions.

You don't have to understand, and certainly don't have to pretend that you do. Listen, without making suggestions or offering advice. Supply plenty of praise, hugs and above all, acceptance.

Offering praise will boost the Trichster's self-esteem and someone who feels good about themselves, is less likely to self abuse. You cannot control the pullers actions, but you can control your own reaction to it. Be strong, be positive. Be accepting.

Please try to treat Trich as a disorder separate from the person. The Trichster is a terrific person, deserving of a lovely, full head of hair and eyebrows and eyelashes to match.
Pulling probably remains an issue for life. Some days it's unnoticeable and other days rampant.
However deeply it hurts you, this isn't about you, and the Trichster hurts a million times more. They blame themselves enough and don't need more blame from you! This isn't a habit. It isn't something people deliberately do … it is like being taken over by a trance. Scalp pullers often feel like there are tiny insects crawling under the skin and the itch creates an urge to pull.

You've tried ignoring, shouting, distracting … but each individual must heal themselves. You can't do it for them. I know that hurts like hell and it's okay. If you need to get your anger out, write letters to the Trichster that you later burn without sending but always appear supportive.

Trich hurts like hell when it's at its worst, but it overwhelms you with its warmth too. Most Trichsters form loving, caring relationships and function well in all other areas of their lives.
So what should you do when you're sitting down comfortably in your warm environment, perhaps watching television, and out of the corner of your eye you notice someone pulling?
Distraction would help ... hand them a cup of tea (sorry, English answer to everything!), or ask them to check some figures for you. Engaging the logical brain can often stop the subconscious pulling process. Invite them out for a walk. Getting out or even just moving from place to place, helps. Reading and watching TV are triggers for pulling. Play chess, computer games or anything which involves the hands. Cross stitching is helpful. Try to keep them active and interested. Boredom is really bad for Trich.

Incentives help, but please, if you've promised a reward, don't withhold it if there has been a little relapse. Try to be understanding that Trich is not always within the person's control.
Take care of your loved ones and look after yourself.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

TOP 10 Tips: Keep Blow Dried Hair Shiny & Healthy

10 Blow-Dry Secret Tips from Hair Stylists

10.) The finish is as important as the drying time. Seal the hair by turning the dryer on ‘cool’. Never leave the hair warm – it won’t last 10 minutes that way.

9.) If you invest in a great cut, the time you spend with the blow dryer in hand will not only be less, it will be more rewarding and the end will result will make you like a pro. Try asking for a blow dry lesson to be included with the price of the cut.

8.) When using a finishing product to hold your style – spray it on the brush first. This makes sure the hair won’t be over loaded and lets the hair shine through.

7.) Do not use a conditioner after your shampoo, that step was manufactured by the shampoo companies. The proper routine? Shampoo and only if needed, use a spray leave-in detangler. A daily conditioner just weighs hair down and produces product build-up. Keep product use light, no more than 2 at every given blow dry, 1 is even better.

6.) Hair needs to be 70% dry for blow dry to begin. Shake out excess water after shower, rough dry until 2/3 of water is out. Over using a hair dryer can rob the hair of moisture, leaving hair dry & brittle.

5.) “Heat” remains the single #1 enemy to the health of hair, most don’t realize this. Blow drying ONLY until the hair is dry, alternating between hot and cool temperatures as you go through each section remains important for the health of the hair.

4.) Choose your brushes carefully, the longer the hair the bigger the brush. Axe the heat retaining brushes (metal) they add to the frizz and dryness. Boar Bristle brushes are the best, there is a reasonably priced line of brushes that will make your life easy called Marilyn, .

3.) If you’re not using a silicone serum to coat the hair you will contribute to the frizz factor, there are a million and one out there but you must read the label…if it has alcohol in the formula you are defeating the purpose. Silicone Serums range from light to heavy and from the John Freida line at Drug stores all the way to my favorite: Oscar Blandi’s Jasmine Oil Serum at Sephora. Blandi has combined the two; adding silicone to a carrier oil for the perfect combination.

2.) The hair dryer itself makes a real difference especially with the new IONIC and Tourmaline models on the market. IONIC utilizes ceramic technology, which will leave your hair healthy, silky with natural shine and manageability. Plus super fast drying time, the higher price tag is because they really do, work. Save your $$, ask for a birthday gift, watch for sales. It will last a couple years and the time it will cut off of your blow dry time and the shine in the finish make it all worth while .

1.) The most important tip for blow drying? Sectioning the hair. Seem silly? Take a couple extra minutes to section hair into at least 4 sections if not 6. This will help in avoiding bumps and ridges in the end finish. Begin with the back section first, get it out of the way so you don't give up before its done, remember the ‘back’ of your hair is what more people see than any other.

Killer bonus trick:
They have what I call “rear view” mirrors for the bathroom, Bed Bath and Beyond refers to them as a "wall mount swivel mirror", they run from $29. to $99. Mount one on bathroom wall; it will afford you the freedom of blow drying the back of your hair while also being able to look at what you are doing! It helps in the final outcome and you will find the mirror handy for many other odds & ends (magnification mirror for eyebrow plucking, make-up application for poor sight, etc).

new colour trend for summer 07

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10,000Heads Hair Loss Protocol find harsh water extremely taxing on hair follicles, therefore affecting hair regrowth.

Water is extremely important within the 10,000 HEADS protocol ; it is the subject of 2 steps because of the time it spends ‘on’ and ‘in’ your body.

The water used on your hair when you shampoo and rinse is extremely important and alters both the length of your hair colour and the over all condition and health of your hair. Any process or product that results in damage to the hair strand and hair follicle needs to be changed or eliminated as we continue our quest for killer strands. This step is also made on the assumption that your tap water is as pathetic as it is in this area, if you have wonderful water–count your blessings, and you may also skip this step. For the remainder of you, it is the chlorine, most likely that you taste, chlorine is used to disinfect water, but at certain levels is not safe for drinking, showering or bathing. That water is as bad for your hair strand as it is for your taste buds.

The chlorine that is in today’s water is at dangerous levels within the bathroom, when you take a hot shower the chlorine vaporizes in the air, combines with other organic compounds in the air and forms chloroform gas, which is a strong irritant to the lungs and does cause fatigue. Besides the lungs the chlorine wrecks havoc on the hair and it appears as dried out, frazzled and depleted, it is one of the worst types of damage and very difficult to recover from. Young water polo players and swimmers come through the clinic, and with the chlorine levels in competitive swimming pools super high, the damage in these 16,17,18 year olds hair comes very close to some of the worst we’ve seen, it is almost the same as oxidation from peroxide burning where you will also see a lot of breakage and splitting. (If you have someone experiencing this problem please email the clinic for the proper treatment suggestion, we have this solved with a fairly easy protocol).

To solve this problem of lousy water there are 3 levels of solutions, which depend on the amount of money you can spend and the type of living arrangement you have.

MALIBU 2000 WELL WATER SHAMPOO: Cheapest, easiest and works for traveling…a good clarifying shampoo. Now this can be tricky and the only brand that I have ever found (the Head Colourist at Vidal Sassoon turned me on to) is MALIBU2000. They have a number of different shampoos and protein packs, the one you want is the shampoo that says “WELL WATER ACTION shampoo” Sulfate-free. They have done the impossible, created a gentle for your colour/ hair follicle shampoo that cleanses the chlorine and other grime out of the water so it is not sitting on the hair, day in and day out.

This works when you cannot afford the shower filter, but our number 1 choice for this step is the:

SHOWER WATER FILTER: There are dozens of them out there, and everyone claims to be better than the next. The plan is to get a list of “KILLER – Shower Filters”, to help distinguish the good from the bad. The Aquasana brand seems to be the one a lot of clients end up with, you are safe with that one. Use for a nice selection and good service. Keep track of when you bought the filter and buy enough filters for the year (great gift idea for someone to get you). You save $$ if you buy filters when you purchase the shower head, but it is imperative to change the filter when recommended or it becomes useless. Another advantage to the filter: helps with the pH balance of your hair; imperative for soft, shiny hair.

WHOLE-HOUSE SYSTEMS: There are even more companies that do this than the other 2 combined. The issue regarding the chlorine in the water and the chloroform bomb the hot water creates has become well known, as it is dangerous for asthmatics and bothersome to those with lung problems, so the water industry has grown a lot in the last 10 years to help take care of the demand. Call 4 or 5 water treatment companies in your area, with Kenmore(Sears) being one of them, get estimates and tell them you are looking for water that will be as clean as Reverse Osmosis treated water and your concerns with your hair. Pick one and let us know how they do so we can start up a list of, “KILLER – water treatment companies”.

Using either of the last 2 methods will do wonders for your skin and the shower stall as well. Having that change in the water will give you softer, smoother skin and will keep your shower stall much cleaner so the purchase actually solves 3 problems, not bad for a single purchase.