Boxed Hair Color Kits should be banned from the shelves of every store
Plain and simply:
they are FALSE Advertising
Plain and simply:
they are FALSE Advertising

I do NOT mean the manufacturers should get in trouble, that is not the point at all. My goal is for you, the consumer, to have the proper tools to complete a good head of hair color on your hair -- yourself.
But . . . .
it is now time for the system to be revamped into separating the Tube from Developer. That's what needs to be done - very simple. the manufacturers know it, but they need to know YOU know it
Yes, every store
Because they do not work correctly except for on a small percentage of consumers and even on those, the results are dismal. Those of us that are Hair Stylists have known that for years, and we never say anything . . . why? Because its “job security”. Every single month of every single year we have a number of new clients sit in our chairs that call with the same story, “ I colored my hair at home with a kit and it is destroyed” can you please fix it.
How ridiculous is that?
I’m tired of being quiet about it, its just wrong - and someone needs to speak out about it...who better than someone with a terminal illness!
The huge multi million dollar companies that run the hair industry…are just getting bigger and bigger and the true “care” for your hair is being lost. The big companies just don’t care. You know those DOVE “real Women campaigns

A big blow came to me this past month when I found out the one shampoo that I have had all my clients using for the past couple years…PUREOLOGY, was sold to L’Oreal. There just is no end in sight of this, its so sad to me. I will never buy PUREOLOGY again. {...the new recommendation is JOHN MASTERS ORGANICS

Now as for the Boxed Hair color Kits I am so livid about…
there is just NO way possible that they can put the proper components in one box. Why?
Because when coloring hair -- any good colorist has to have 10 questions answered first, before coming up with the proper formula. Without those questions answered, there is simply no way you can just throw in a box:1 tube of color and 1 specific Developer

and claim that it will work on ANY large group of women that purchase it.
So it is a out and out LIE, false advertising and any other form of perjury you can think of.
How about this scenario . . . .

What if a Redhead ...
An African American ...
A Blonde ...

and a Brunette ...

All walk into the store . . . . to buy the hair color of Medium blond
Which one of those 4 poor unsuspecting consumers is going to have the proper outcome?
Do you think all 4?
Logically I think most of you can figure out, that if they all start with a different hair color...that probably only one of 4 should have a good outcome.
Yes > Correct.
How in the world.....with one formula in that one little box . . . could all four of them have decent results?
it is
mathematically and chemically Impossible
In that Kit box is 1 tube of color……………
1bottle of developer………………………
Yet . . . .
In my Color Lab alone I have well over 150 Tubes

Developer comes in 6 levels ( 6 volume,10 vol.,17 vol.,20 vol.,30 vol.,40 volume)
So if you were to do the math (if I did math well I wouldn’t be doing this). . . How many options does that multipy to be ??
Millions. most likely
The point being... that all those options are necessary in order for the hair color formula to work properly... you or anyone coloring their hair deserves the opportunity to have the proper hair color when the process is complete. Especially if you are selling a product that is supposed to color hair.
When you buy one of those kits, you are opening a box of Color "FAILURE"
You have about a 20% chance to succeed, and I do not find that fair.
I’ve written about this subject previously, there are a few variables when planning to color your hair that must be taken into account in order to have the proper rich color without any damage. Those variables are NOT taken into account with those damn Hair Color Kits.
When determining the color formula you are going to apply to your hair > a simple fact like: having dry hair that is porous compared to oily hair that is not….can make a huge difference in the formulation. Just knowing that one fact can prevent hair breakage, and make the difference in having shiny hair when the color process is complete compared to having damaged – dull hair.
Do they ask you those questions when you buy a box of color?
Or print that anywhere to be found?
I understand now that people need to be able to color their hair at home, for many many reasons. Convenience I have found is even a big one. I never quite understood the concept before when I was in the Salon,
now I get it.

Would many of you consider baking a cake without a recipe?
Or making cookies without any knowledge of how to measure ....or knowing the difference between a Tablespoon and a teaspoon.
Same thing with Coloring your hair. Once you have the basics down you to can go to your local Beauty supply and buy a tube of color and the specific (volume) developer.... and have gorgeous warm, rich color just like the Pros.
I promise it is not that hard!
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