Miss Molly You Have Been Platinum-ized
Decided to bleach the left side of the head to "Stefani-blond", leave the right side, bleached just once and not toned as most home jobs are done, so the difference was apparent. It is completely normal to have some shedding with a bleaching, do not panic

Left side was bleached twice with Wellite Oil bleach and 40 Volume ( its not a real head remember)

Prepare for the TONER portion of the process. I have NEVER bleached a head of hair and not toned it.

I decided to use LEVEL 10 > LIGHTEST VIOLET BLONDE ( the swatch on the top <> far LEFT) , which would have the most purple to counter the yellow left in the hair.
This being a mannequin head,
they tint it to get it the color it is, so it is not totally natural Color......although it is human hair.

Application of the Toner

This is the right side of the hair, with only ONE(1) bleaching, which of course you cannot really tell by this lighting.

Here you can tell better I think. The left has been bleached twice and toned with VIOLET BLONDE for 25 minutes. I will attempt some better photos tomorrow in the sunlight.

Can you tell ? See how nice the beautifully Toned hair is? I hope so.
Molly's beige/white Colour is seen beautifully on the left side only

Good Golly Miss Molly You Are Platinum
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