Highlights are History - the Sequel
Set aside the gloomy headlines and do something that might actually improve the situation. This site is based in exactly that, the basics and how to make your hair look like a million bucks for less. Highlights are History will be an on-going Post for Killer strands and I will number them, I'm determined to open readers eyes to the fact that era is over. That is just something no one in southern California asks for any longer nor should it be asked for anywhere. If you want blond hair and have brown, going "ALL OVER-Blond" -- see Reece to the left, she is all-over blond. Maybe you have a urge to see some blond lights added to your brown hair . . . at the end of this post you will

A lot of hair color is moving

Remember everyone wants the same thing, beautiful shiny hair that looks like a million bucks . . . which is usually done professionally, correct?
With the ability to purchase professional hair color from the KILLER COLOR CLINIC and now with detailed lessons on how to apply it, professional hair is within your reach for a relatively small amount of money. Spend a little bit of time reading and absorbing the techniques, then save your money while trying to learn - - and POOF - - you are ready to go. This service has not been available to the masses prior to this site, a new way to conquer $5.00 a gallon Gasoline.
There is even a discounted method of determining your hair color formula if all the posts and photo DEMO's provided aren't enough for you. There is the $25.00 Hair Color Consultation Service in which Killer Chemist works 1 on 1 with you to determine the formula you should use, giving you $10.00 of the $25.00 OFF of the first hair color purchase in addition to having a permanent 10% Discount off of Hair color products for 1 full year .

With Killer Strands Store (called Killer Color Clinic), Just yesterday I lowered the price on all hair color to do MY part in helping KS readers and CRIB COLORISTS deal with the faltering economy. Part of the cost for Killer strands is having to re-package & package chemicals properly, if you have ever gotten a package from KS, I am sure that is more than apparent.
So what I am proposing is for many of you to think about ...is getting rid of the whole highlight idea. Please. Come on, how long have you been doing the exact same procedure? 5-10-15-20 years ? ? Its over, its tired and when was the last time you saw anyone in fashion,-- TV,--Film,-- or the Celeb world with highlights ? Everyone has one color hair with maybe a few slices, ribbons, blocks or panels of colors. No one wears highlights any more . . . they are history - - they are over.
Time for you to think economy anyway, think fashionable, think hip and cool. Do you know thinking hip now is thinking economy-minded? Even in Beverly Hills. Its no longer cool to spend exorbitant amounts of cash on ridiculous items.You can do this color at home and I am here to help you get this on the sta

It's a different look now . . . and its something very accessible for most of us. The difference in color from the 'public' hair color (Sallys TYPE) to the 'professional' (Killer Color Clinic - TYPE) hair color that you now have access to. The quality of the color itself, it is loaded with moisturizers and conditioners that are inserted into your hair strands at the time of application.
The result ? ? ? Tons and Tons of SHINE.
Now, when you purchase a tube of color & a bottle of developer lets just say at SALLYS, and then you purchase a tube of Color & bottle of developer from Killer Color Clinic, what IS the difference?
The most important part of hair color to me is the QUALITY of the COLOR, HOW LONG it LASTS, Coverage and the pigment ( brilliance of color).
Color you purchase other than what you can get from me . . .PROFESSIONAL HAIR COLOR . . . just simply SUCKS. Before I started this project I had no idea the difference was so darn big. Well it is.
I most emphatically insist to you NOT to use any of that inferior Hair Color. All sorts of problems spring up, as a result of using them.
The only thing you should possibly purchase at Sally's and the like ..............bowls and maybe disposable gloves (but these weren't even the right type nor were easy to work in like my brand). . . their Clips even stink. The idea of Sally's is clever but they have no one absolutely NO ONE doing Quality Control!
The moisturizers and conditioners included in Professional hair color, plus the quality of the hair color pigment itself is a better a finer quality. The quality of the developer is different as well, I only just discovered this item myself in the past year as well. Experimenting with the lower cost developers opened my eyes to the fact that they don't have the amount or quality of moisturizers and conditioners as their more elite cousins. Remember, when hair color goes in the hair strand so do the conditioners, so do the moisturizers ... a perfect time to get them 'into' the hair strand. There truly is no other time for this to take place.
That way when you come out of a hair Salon you look at your color and go , "WOW" this color is just KILLER... I can never get this at home. So you continue going to the Salon. Now you can get it at home, along with a personalized 1 on 1 Home Hair Color Consultation.
Now some of these companies, Wella (because they are so big) make both, Salon color AND Home color. Why? They try to capture BOTH markets. They make an inferior color to sell to people for home color and they sell a premium color to Stylists for Salon level color. I never thought about this until this past year - - but it is a completely separate entity - - and how weird that really is. Why do they make a crappier hair color to sell to the people at home? Because they cannot afford to get their hair colored in a Salon, they don't get the best hair color to apply to their hair ?? Why not??
That really bothers me.
That's when I went forward with the Killer Color Clinic. I really wanted to help produce Crib Colorists and begin Hair Color as a hobby, I just cannot see why it cannot become the next "cooking". I think all of you have the capacity to learn how to color your hair at home using Premium Hair Color, you just need some lessons - - that's it.

How many of you know Hair Stylists that know absolutely nothing about hair color? I have learned from this web site (from all the emails) that there are thousands of licensed Stylists that know ZIP - ZERO- NOTHING - about hair color. Another fact I had no idea existed. I worked at Vidal Sassoon Academy where everyone is trained the exact same way, then went to 2 Salons in Malibu...in those Salons there were only 2 of us out of many that understood hair color. I thought that had to be highly unusual and rare, there were valid reasons for that being the truth where I was. That's another part that bothers me, if there are so many hair stylists that have no idea how to apply hair color properly, there are many on this site that have resorted to doing their own hair color because of where they live and who does hair color in their place of residence. They would go to a Hair Salon but there isn't one where they live in which not even ONE of the stylists there knows anything about applying hair color properly.
So they cannot have access to good hair color . . . solely because of where they live.
Just doesn't seem fair to me.

Now you all have the opportunity to learn about hair color the exact way hair stylists learn about it. I teach on this web site.... hair color.... more in-depth than they do in Cosmetology schools - so you now have the resource -- I hope you use it. If there is something I am missing that makes you not understand it, Please - write me, comment at the end of the most recent post, I look at those the first of every day. Its the very easiest and best way to get in touch with me especially about the Blog.
Highlights are History will be an ongoing Series for Killer strands, in an effort to suggest and recommend various ways to get readers to move away from the 20 year trend that has played itself out. I'm tired of looking at it, and so is the rest of the world, if you don't want to try slices or ribbons, try going one color. My absolute favorite color on the boards? A level 6 - AB (ash-brown) - rich chocolate brown. Do you know why I like that so much? . . . . . I never see it.
Now for Polly, she has had one side of her hair done with 6 back to back slices - remember that Demo?
I used RED-VIOLET, BLEACH, & Level 4 DARK BROWN??? That is on the right side of the hair, I wanted to Demo something else on the other side. Now with these mannequins you are not able to use blonds, other than bleach ( do you know why ? - they are tinted brown - - color does not LIFT color )- if you don't get it - please ask.
This is a demo showing......... you have dark hair
that is tinted dark and you want to change it, without doing the De-Colorization technique's that I recommended. You may use bleach and apply these 6 slices which is basically what I am doing with this doll head . . . as it IS tinted brown hair -- it is NOT virgin (although that is how it shows up!).
Now what I demonstrate is 6 slices of the same color (bleach) on the other side. Instead of placing them back to back I have put about 3/4 of an inch of hair in between each foil.
We will call her Holly and Holly will speak to you ( using my education and knowledge).
Holly needs to deal with how much gas costs and she is tired of the brown she tinted her hair, so she will not be going to the Salon , not with Killer Strands to help. She saw creme bleach for sale, that is the professional bleach In the Killer COLOR CLINIC, there are conditioners and lipids added to creme bleach - she read, which sounds a lot more forgiving...added to that the moisturizers and conditioners that will come with the developer that comes with. This way my hair will be in the best condition possible when done. I can do it............. it cannot be that hard.
We will only be doing the one side of the head as we did the other side with another Demo a while ago.
I tried very hard to make this parting look exactly like a piece of apple pie, that is my trick as long as it is the shape of my favorite dessert............ than I was told it will be perfect. She told me to make sure I parted the triangle all the way to the very back of my head and in the exact middle. That way I can put one of my slices of light in the back, on both sides, . . . . it will be in the back of my head and I should be able to do it myself with my rear-view mirror's I have set up on my walls. I've tried it once before and it worked pretty easy. The piece in the back is really skinny so its easy.
This is the Creme bleach I bought and saw on Killerstrands Color Clinic, I want to do all I can to protect my hair and its condition, I have been pretty bad to my hair in the past couple years.......... I need to make up for that (ssh!)
OK - here are the foils I bought too, I didn't care about the color, I cared about the fact that they were embossed and that made them not slip and being as I don't know what I am doing I wanted to take away"that" from the difficulty of doing foils for me. I bought 20 of these embossed foils for $2.00 (10 cents each) when I bought the Creme Bleach. They were so much easier to use than most. Now, you absolutely MUST make the edge that I am showing you. Fold it once and then again....a very thin fold as you can see... that fold helps the color from leaking out.
The very first parting needs to be made to part OFF the hair surrounding the face so that it is left out. Leaving it the color the hair is , in my case I wanted it to be brown so I didn't have a weird light blond stripe right against my face. That would look funny I thought, when you see me at the end you can decide.
See how super thin the very first slice of hair I take is??? I had a hard time taking the picture and showing you at the same time but I think you can see. Its less than 1/8 of an inch ! I place that first foil very close to the slice of hair, notice that so when you do it you will do it the same. I had bought a mannequin and practiced on her for a while, it was fun so... I didn't care -- I wish they would have taught us this when we were in school. Remember when we had HOME EC.? I think we should have sewing, cooking and hair color. Why Not I wonder? More people I know color their hair, than cook. Maybe it should be the other way around. . . >>but it isn't !
Notice where I place the foil and where i begin to paint the creme bleach...I leave the distance of the fold BLANK - - - and why do I do this? I learned my lesson, all bleaches and all hair colors ...."swell" when they are processing, which means they grow and the last thing you want is the bleach leaking out of the end ...as it will make FUGLY spots on the hair that you will not like .... so be very careful.
This is too close - I wanted you to see what is too close....just a tiny bit on the right side> see it??...so I took the foil off and re-did it...but I didn't photograph the re-do . . .
Just be aware that happens ...
if its too close to the fold then re-do it....but that's a lot harder to maneuvar so try very hard to be very careful at the fold.
Finally I have the first foil done and am closing it up. Fold it in half - - first. Then fold the sides in....
Now am leaving "that much" of the hair OUT OF THE FOIL >>>> about 3/4 " so there is some of the brown in between each foil .
The same very thin parting. . . which is the "SLICE" of hair...appropriately named once I figured out what I was doing.
The same pattern is repeated basically all the way up this side of the hair. Now something she taught me that I did not pick up on myself... when I am using bleach, I can time it so it all ends up 'done' at the same time. Like here for example... I'm not real fast so I mixed one small amount of bleach for this side....and mixed the creme bleach with 20 Volume { another good part of ordering from Killer Color Clinic - you can ask for whatever volume of developer you want - i got 1/2 -- 20 Volume & 1/2 -- 40 Volume} . Now to make it so the 2 sides end up "done" at the same time...[like making a big dinner!] I mixed up another small batch of Creme bleach with 40 Volume for the other side. Remember 40 Volume work twice as FAST as 20 Volume...so doing the other side with 40 Volume - makes it so both sides are at the same lightness at the same time - it was perfect !
This was also too close, and I took a DRY Q-Tip and wiped this one off on the fold....so it wouldn't leak. I used a bigger brush and had a harder time!
Again, see how thin the hair is for the slice? Remember that, thinness is perfectness in SLICES
Another slice to be made. . as my trip up the side of the head continues. Make my partings clean and straight its important
Another Slice of light . . .
Applying the bleach and 20 Volume . . . . .
Closing the 3 foils up and continue on . . .
As you go up the side - - see how the width of the slice narrows? ? The last one is not even 1 inch wide!
Refresh the bleach midway up by taking a small squirt of 20 Volume and mixing it in to the mixture
Be sure you keep the angle of each foil correct so that your foils sit like this and end up over the eyeball, if your foils end up any other direction at all then something is wrong. Be sure to check
Now, if the room is cold or there is a draft and its not at least 75-80 degrees in the room where you are. . . then heat up your foils for a minute or three, like I had to. This is how I do it at home, you can buy a diffuser for any hair dryer, and everyone should have a hair dryer of some sort. The diffuser just fits over the end and slows down the wind of the dryer....Diffuses it I guess you could say. ha ha! They are super inexpensive, you can get those foam ones for $5.00 or under.... the kind I have was $9.00 I have had for 10 years! So it works like a heat source... I live somewhere warm so lots of times I will sit outside in the sun for 10 minutes.
>> When the foils are done and that is so individual, you will have to determine "how long" yourselves.
>> Take the foils out, and rinse completely untill all traces of the bleach are gone....
>> Lightly shampoo with SLS-Free Shampoo -- Rinse -- towel dry hair....
>> Apply IN-DEPTH HAIR Treatment ( "after-treatment") let set on hair for 5 minutes at least...
>> Rinse & apply Detangler or THRIVEN or whatever your regimen is
I always apply THRIVEN after using Bleach, it is the single best conditioner and after- treatment in addition ot IN-DEPTH there is. You never know you colored your hair when you follow up with THRIVEN.
*** Then Blow Dry
Well, this is your results . . . after 6 Foils - - - Creme Bleach + 20 Volume and 40 Volume and is called Slices of Light.
See the 1/2 inch of brown that was left out right next to the face that I chose.
You can change it , I just wanted to point out what I was doing. See how its brown next to my face then - - next to that - - there is a blond slice? I think it looks to fake to have the blond right on my face.
Here is what it looks like on the top of my head, so you can see what it looks like with just 6 foils and bleach. I think you really get your money worth, what about you?
Here is the side I wanted you to see the "6" Slices . . . see the tiny one - - in the back which is why you do not need to do the back of your hair, it is taken care of with the front parting - - how perfect is that? ?!?
Here's the "BEFORE and "AFTER" . .photos for you to see. . . I did the same thing they do in all the big magazines. . . I did the blow dry all cool when I had the hair color I liked!
Isn't it weird and cool all at the same time how much difference I made with just 6 foils! Its not highlights and KILLER CHEMIST says she is not exactly fond of this technique ( using just 1 color) either but I think it rocks . . .
that's the good part about taste - - we all have it and its all 'different"
she can use multiple colors - - that's hard for me
FINAL VIEW of the look is pretty gorgeous. . . what do you think?
think you can pull it off?
Holly and her 6 Foil Transition using Slices of Lights
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