1 on 1 Hair Color Consult from LA Hair Colorist; Online
Depends on what the problems are, how well you follow through with your part and how much time it takes me to understand the entire picture. Its just not as easy as I thought originally, not having the advantages of VISION and TOUCH really is so important, as a Stylist you never realize it. .Once we begin the consult, you have 3 months to complete it. As I've discovered with a few of the HCC purchases - some were not able to start right away, for one reason or another - you have 6 months from the date of purchase to begin the consult, once started- 3 months to complete.
When I can put my hands through a clients hair it tells me sooooooo much, and when I can look up close at their hair it tells me even more about the (PET) Porosity, Elasticity, and Texture of ones hair. Those 3 factors are very important in calculating ones hair color formula, which is one of the bigger factors in why boxed kits don't work, they don't take that into account. Some clients hair takes hair color easily and some are very resistant to it, and that is something you can only tell from being in the same room as the client. Which is why I desperately need the particular photos I request.
Remember the only place you will find out the secret trick to successfully covering gray hair is by having a HCC, I just will not put that in the Blog, ever - its the only secret I entrust to my mentor, and do not want to publicize it as it is not my secret to tell. So for successful Gray hair coverage you will need to sign up for a HCC, not that bad for a life-long solution. I have 6 textbooks on the subject of hair and hair coloring and none of them print the proper method to covering gray which I find comical, yet sad at the same time.
Now, at this point you need to go to the Killer Color Clinic and make up your shopping list of what you would like to order. I will have given you the numbers of color or Lightener you need to complete the process, and the tubes of color come with the Developer (unlike any other source in stores or Internet) or you can purchase the entire litre if you want..
Here are the necessities for coloring your hair with Pro hair color:
- plastic or glass bowl ONLY (there is a reaction w/ metal)
- Tint brush ( the duo only costs $4.00 here)
- cape or old shirt: protect your clothing
- Color Block (product rubbed on hair line for dark hair colors to prevent staining skin)
- GLEAM:oil to apply to hair prior to coloring hair - end results? Shiny soft hair - a must.
- Combs: Regular cutting comb & Tail comb to section off partings
- Clips: to Clip away your sectioning & parting ( pro- clips really help)
- Towels: old -- to cover area where you plan to color
- Extendable Wall Mount Mirror: If you are doing your own color ( I do my own most times) Its not doable without one of these. I found one on Amazon for $20.00! They look like this, and enable you to do the back of your hair.
- Tube Squeeze Key - so you can use every last bit
- Foils - if your style needs them - the pro foils are 10 cents a piece & if your order is over $100.00 foils are free
- IN-DEPTH by Wella: applied after the color/ tint / or lightener is rinsed out.
- For every hair coloring process you ever perform on your hair, from here FROWARD. . . you must follow it with a product made by WELLA called IN DEPTH - you can get from our store or locally. It is the KEY, I feel to a lot of my success in the Salon over the years. While your hair goes through the chemical process the pH level needs to change in order for the color change to take place, in order for the shine to come, to lock the color in, and to prevent damage . . . you must return the pH level to its normal level which is what IN-DEPTH does. Absolutely necessary.
- Thriven by Killer Strands - Deep Conditioner to be applied once a week > OVER- NIGHT! , to protect color and revitalize hair.
Once you get your shopping list together, email it to me with your zip code for shipping & handling. I will send you an INVOICE through PAY PAL at which point you do NOT need to join Pay Pal, to pay for it . . . I don't know exactly what they do on your end, but they make it available for you to pay for it with credit
Once I am notified of your payment, your sale goes into my file for SHIPPING . . . I do not send products out daily, not until we grow more (tell your friends). The part I see and hear from you once you place the order is this.. . fear of what you are getting and knowing if you will know what to do with it all. I package everything uniquely as you will see. With all of these liquids I have not had ( knock-on-wood) one spill or leak to date. I take a lot of care and precision in my packing of the products - ALSO so you will learn from what you are getting PLUS will know ''what'' goes with "what". as you can see by these examples of real orders going out:

GLEAM. . . the small size, with treatment pump for dispensing. Makes it easy to use correct amount. 1 pump for each side of the hair > back, front & both sides, is correct amount. Applied to hair,30 minutes prior to hair color application.

Once I am notified that your Invoice is paid from PAY PAL, within 48 hours you will get a confirmation emailed to you. Along with the confirmation is a questionnaire and a list of the photos I need. I only need 5 of your hair , and then one you can find on our sister site http://www.Killerpics.blogspot.com of your "desired" hair color. So we both understand your goal. If you honestly cannot get your photos taken, you will need to learn the hair color "LEVEL SYSTEM" which is pretty simple, many of my long time readers can talk to me in hair colorist language which involves Levels and I am thrilled.
Another great idea... which a lot of people in the group have done, is to order a Wella Koleston Perfect and Color Touch
Seems about 75% of you are interested in the whole world of hair color and more . . . where as the other 25% of you just want your formula to cover your gray and that's it. Either way is fine by me, I truly am here just to help you understand your hair.
Some people just send me info right after they pay, that doesn't work . . . . its so much easier if you just wait for the questionnaire and begin looking for someone who can take your photos...
One of the key points to assessing hair for hair color is knowing the porosity, elasticity and texture (PET) which is another thing hard to teach when not in the same room. Texture means wavy, straight, curly so if your hair is curly and you straighten it - you MUST tell me in the Questionnaire or at some point - that matters a lot to the formulation for me . Now with porosity (the ability of the hair to absorb moisture) another factor that for me affects the total formulation - I have asked many people how their porosity is, and they have known . Elasticity is not quite as important as the other two. Damaged hair has high porosity and is overly porous, chemical services performed on this hair type require less alkaline solutions with a lower pH, this will help additional over-processing. There are many tricks like this that can be used to help color your hair safely, so no damage occurs and the results are spectacular. These 3 issues are solved for me by the photos being taken in the manner I request. Just think it only needs to be done> > once . . then you have it take care of forever
While waiting for your products your need to be reading the posts that have to do with sectioning the hair, applying the color etc... so you will be well prepared for them when them they arrive. I have gone into these subjects over the years, and I find many of you do ot read any old posts. One of the best pieces of advice I can give? To read the entire Blog, it does not take that long and you ca skim by the posts you are not interested in. Every single person who has done that has THANKED ME, with that record, I would try it. It will fully prepare you for hair color application and then how to take care of it after you apply it (remember no shampoo for 48 hrs after application!). Here are the Posts:
There are more but these are the 3 category basics, which doesn't include the ones for Blonde's. Most of you should check out the LABELS section on the right side of the Home page of the Blog, for what interests you . . . since Detour reorganized it, it has made life so easy you cannot believe it.
Once your products arrive . . . if you have a question or 2 that's fine . . just ask, if you decide you need help with the entire application the it will be another $20.00, remember you've gotten $10.00 back already with your purchase so its still a great deal I constantly have LA associates recommend I go higher, but I feel we are just fine for now. I'm happy . . .and that is all that should be important for the moment!
Consults are on hold for a month, then they will be re-instated, watch for notice.
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