Holly, Kendra and Bridget...blond times 3.The white blond put on the map by Miss Monroe has popped back up as a popular request in Salon Colour departments in on and around LA.
Most begin as a virgin (natural) level 2-6 Brunette...so the road is far long and lonely if not done correctly.
There are tricks to every coloring process . . those tricks are what make a great hair stylists stand out from the good' ones
Best performance: on virgin hair ( no previous color) remember color does NOT lift color. {with previously colored hair - go to professional}..
Its a bold and can be a beautiful sight, looking best if you try not to be a freak along with it, but a beauty. It can be done...I've done it and I see in LA all the time.
Try to take that same cool look to where YOU live.
Find a Hair Stylist that either has graduated from the YEAR LONG program at Vidal Sassoon ( they are all over the world) or ask around for one who is an "artist" as well ( painter / sculpture ) ...an artist will do these techniques well.
All of it,of course, is personal preference and how style and trends have changed.
There was a time when I really did not like ASH toned colors at all. Now I choose them often, it took 13 years for me to learn to like them but the trends had changed & I had to change. A client and a stylist can have completely different ideas so I do not like to make any definitive guidelines. What I want to do is show you how to counter whatever objectionable tone you may have in your hair colour, the rule applies to all colours & tones. The most common across the board- distaste for a hair colour would be a too-yellow blond - (you almost need sunglasses for) .
As you see above in Mr. Pitt.
They are very low volume peroxide colours ...so there is no lift (cannot go lighter). The colours end up being very transparent / washing out easily, it is especially important to use a sulfate-free shampoo.
Color Wheels for Reference
go across(opposite) for whatever colour you want to get rid of to neutralize
Directions for use: Shampoo hair at beginning of shower, apply conditioner letting it sit on hair for remainder of shower ( 4-8 minutes)… rinse hair as normal. Check hair in mirror, If still yellow – repeat process > add another teaspoon of purple to mixture. Continue doing this until the colour is right for your hair, going up a teaspoon at a time. If for some strange reason it is too purple…Shampoo once. Its semi-permanent and comes out very easily! Its both a matter of the right amount of purple and right amount of time you have left it on the hair, as factors that effect outcome. No reason to ‘buy’ the colored conditioners besides this will work a million times better as you have control over the amount of purple so it can be tremendously more effective .
The amount of women complaining about the hair loss4 is at an all time record high and is multiplying - daily. The issue of hair loss with women is a completely different animal than for men.
Men lose hair first in two places: at the top of the head and at the hairline (receding hairline) and as it advances the two eventually meet, that does not happen to women.
Women have diffuse hair loss.
Meaning a gradual - even - overall loss, the entire head of hair 'lessens'.
The 'way' in which the hair is lost on women is different... so the solutions are different.
The entire head of hair has lost hair strands so the overall 'thickness' is less. The size of the ponytail is smaller, the amount of hairs found in the brush drastically increase.
The # 2 Solution to healthy thick hair ?
the amount of time you spend "upside down" is the reason for the improvement in clients hair that practice YOGA. Many of the postures and stances have the body in an inversion. We require Yoga, as a condition of signing up with Killer Strands for female hair loss issues, the 3rd Step of the program is "STRESS" and relief of it. We have run a couple Clinical Trials and YOGA has proven to be one of the best solutions to hair health problems.
There are many reasons YOGA works for the health of your hair, but the number 1 reason is the amount of time you spend upside down. With your blood being forced to the head, it gives the follicle and hair bulb much needed nourishment. For your entire life you are in the upright position...your blood has to work much harder going up to the head. I have run tests on clients follicles before starting YOGA and after....when observed under a microscope the difference in the health of the hair strand, follicle and bulb is truly remarkable. The bulb appears pink and healthy after 6 months of YOGA practice....before the practice the follicle was starting to wither away and appeared as though the hair was diminishing away... 6 months of YOGA changed the entire look of the follicle and bulb.
This is one of the easier solutions to having healthy thick hair, although women still want a pill or plastic surgery, I'm convinced it's human nature to want a 'quick-fix'.
Personally, I find YOGA the single best and most brilliant answer to female hair loss. Its not only good for the hair, its good for the body, mind and spirit .
Yoga relaxes and can be life-changing for many people. Just this month I had one of my tougher cases of thinning hair on a 52 year old female client. She was given the 10,000HEADS Healthy Hair Program a year ago, and was following 8 out of the 10 steps (its rare to get someone to actually commit to all 10 steps - the more the better). She was not following Steps 3 and 10 which are "Stress" and the "Secret Weapon Supplement". Under the category of stress it is required that a yoga practice a minimum of 3 days per week be started. This woman's work is extremely stressful ... the step she needed most, was the one she was not doing. Following just the 8 steps had stopped her from losing anymore hair, so she was pretty happy with just those results. About 10 weeks ago she took her first yoga class....3 weeks ago - I was dumbfounded when she came in. Her hair (finally) did a complete 180... not only is it a completely different texture, she has at least twice the amount of hair she used to have, YOGA was her 'trigger-point' .You have never seen a more happy hair client than this woman, thanking me a million and one times she is thrilled with YOGA. Everyone has a 'trigger-point'...which is the trigger to what started that particular person's hair health decline. There is no way to actually know what a person's is, 85% of female trigger points are covered by the 10 Steps of 10,000HEADS HEALTHY HAIR PROTOCOL.
More on this will follow, but for now find your local yoga studio....look up one of the many DVD's...or for more info on YOGA there is a terrific magazine/website: http://www.yogajournal.com/
you do not need to be limber, young or skinny to practice YOGA...Yoga teaches acceptance and encourages leaving any competitiveness outside the studio walls
The best part of yoga :
it is designed for everyone.....
10.) The finish is as important as the drying time. Seal the hair by turning the dryer on ‘cool’. Never leave the hair warm – it won’t last 10 minutes that way.
9.) If you invest in a great cut, the time you spend with the blow dryer in hand will not only be less, it will be more rewarding and the end will result will make you like a pro. Try asking for a blow dry lesson to be included with the price of the cut.
8.) When using a finishing product to hold your style – spray it on the brush first. This makes sure the hair won’t be over loaded and lets the hair shine through.
7.) Do not use a conditioner after your shampoo, that step was manufactured by the shampoo companies. The proper routine? Shampoo and only if needed, use a spray leave-in detangler. A daily conditioner just weighs hair down and produces product build-up. Keep product use light, no more than 2 at every given blow dry, 1 is even better.
6.) Hair needs to be 70% dry for blow dry to begin. Shake out excess water after shower, rough dry until 2/3 of water is out. Over using a hair dryer can rob the hair of moisture, leaving hair dry & brittle.
5.) “Heat” remains the single #1 enemy to the health of hair, most don’t realize this. Blow drying ONLY until the hair is dry, alternating between hot and cool temperatures as you go through each section remains important for the health of the hair.
4.) Choose your brushes carefully, the longer the hair the bigger the brush. Axe the heat retaining brushes (metal) they add to the frizz and dryness. Boar Bristle brushes are the best, there is a reasonably priced line of brushes that will make your life easy called Marilyn, http://www.themarilynbrush.com .
3.) If you’re not using a silicone serum to coat the hair you will contribute to the frizz factor, there are a million and one out there but you must read the label…if it has alcohol in the formula you are defeating the purpose. Silicone Serums range from light to heavy and from the John Freida line at Drug stores all the way to my favorite: Oscar Blandi’s Jasmine Oil Serum at Sephora. Blandi has combined the two; adding silicone to a carrier oil for the perfect combination.
2.) The hair dryer itself makes a real difference especially with the new IONIC and Tourmaline models on the market. IONIC utilizes ceramic technology, which will leave your hair healthy, silky with natural shine and manageability. Plus super fast drying time, the higher price tag is because they really do, work. Save your $$, ask for a birthday gift, watch for sales. It will last a couple years and the time it will cut off of your blow dry time and the shine in the finish make it all worth while .
1.) The most important tip for blow drying? Sectioning the hair. Seem silly? Take a couple extra minutes to section hair into at least 4 sections if not 6. This will help in avoiding bumps and ridges in the end finish. Begin with the back section first, get it out of the way so you don't give up before its done, remember the ‘back’ of your hair is what more people see than any other.
Killer bonus trick:
They have what I call “rear view” mirrors for the bathroom, Bed Bath and Beyond refers to them as a "wall mount swivel mirror", they run from $29. to $99. Mount one on bathroom wall; it will afford you the freedom of blow drying the back of your hair while also being able to look at what you are doing! It helps in the final outcome and you will find the mirror handy for many other odds & ends (magnification mirror for eyebrow plucking, make-up application for poor sight, etc).