Saturday, May 31, 2008

THRIVEN : Birth of a Real Hair Conditioner

Holy Grail of Hair : Sometimes an accident is the Best Solution

A recent review from a Killerstrander (who is worthy of the CRIB COLORIST AWARD am thinking of giving out) who recently received my own concoction hair conditioner . . sparked an idea, to tell you all the story I tell my clients that have sat in 'the chair" <> or how the old 1-2 punch of 10,000 HEADS was born.
Here is the most recent review of THRIVEN my Overnight Deep Hair conditioner and 2 part system for damaged and thinning hair, which was the beginning of the 10,000Heads protocol.
MrsM May 30, 5:07 am
From: MrsM <>

Subject: Re: About Thriven
If only everyone could be as thorough, focused, and ethical in their
chosen profession as as Dakota the world would be a much better

Hands down, Thriven is the best conditioner ever to grace MY spoiled
goldilocks. My first reaction when I twisted off the cap and breathed
in the fresh aroma of Thriven to the delicately clingly consistency
was that it was "Alive". And sure enough, I swiped my fingers across
the Cap of Thriven and it covered all of my hair and made it instantly
pliable. IMPRESSIVE! And it smells so great and it doesn't drip! Also,
it feels great after rinsing it out not like other conditioners that
feel great under the water in the shower and then leave hair totally
dry after rinsing.

I laughed at all of my high-end conditioners that basically feel like
clumps of lard being combed through my hair. Bottom line here is that NOTHING else has worked on my hair regardless of price. I have paid exorbitant amounts of money on my hair and it is broken in the back of my head from high end hairdressers frying it off. Which is precisely when I quit the salon except for haircuts and started doing my own hair which is on the road to recovery. Anyway, I forsee Thriven saving me tons of money in conditioners because I will no longer purchase them and the amount of Thriven I need to use is so tiny in comparision to other products. I can't think of one product I have ever used that was a "dime size".

Oh yah, one last thing, my husband is NOt allergic to it and he is
highly allergic to fragrance

I think KC's name should be changed to KGC, Killer Genius Chemist
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
How sweet is that? I've had dozens of compliments and that one encapsulates them all. Thank you Mrs. M.
About 6 years ago, my daughter was struggling with damaged and thinning hair ( at the age of 19-20). At the same time I had just gone thru my radiation treatments and was in the same boat, so within my chemistry studies I started playing - the more I read and studied - the harder it DID NOT SEEM. The light bulbs came from reading about the similarities in hair and skin, I'm sure most of you realize that skin care products are loaded with all sorts of new and creative "actives" "vitamins" and ingredients for moisturizing the skin and replacing lipids lost from sun and age. The moisture loss process in skin, is the exact same moisture loss in hair . . the exact same way, but to date no one was putting any of the slick new tricky skin ingredients in the hair products. The large companies just don't think people notice the difference in hair conditioners, and I do not understand why. I believe there are thousands of people just like Mrs. M who buy and continue to buy hair conditioners up the YING-YANG in search of one that works, I used to do the same thing and I'm on the "inside". Being just one little person out here in California trying to solve the above described hair conditioning problem for myself and my daughter, why in the world can't the big companies with all their chemists do it? Which is why I went on the mission in the first place.
By having some of the more expensive ingredients in the formulation of THRIVEN it only made sense after about a month that it needed to be left on the head and hair for more than 30 or 60 minutes. The top-of-the-line face creams are put on for 8 hours at night, and hair is the same make-up as skin. That was my **BREAKTHROUGH**I wanted to start treating hair more like skin, as good as skin. We don't think twice about a $30.-$40.-$50. cream for our face, then a $20. Wash and a $10.Toner then a $40. foundation makeup with vitamins and mineral makeup for $40. and on and on and on. Most don't spend a fraction of that on their hair. RIDICULOUS I say....totally ridiculous.
BE FAIR TO YOUR HAIR AND SHARE THE $$$..If you want your hair to be healthy you must consider this theory, it has worked for most all of my clients out here. I'm a healthy hair fanatic, I turn hair down to color if it is over colored, damaged or not ready...its rare to find Stylists that will do that.
I truly care about your hair, its just IN me, to.
A couple months after we first applied THRIVEN we went to the slumber party method. Applying it overnight and letting the hairs enjoy themselves ;-). Once we began the Slumber method of application, our hair began to change. Both my daughter and I had put our hair through Hell, hers was every color on the color Wheel, putting 'black' in against my judgement and needing it cut out, my main issue was all the drugs, radiation and surgeries I had just gone thru. We both started to notice changes with damage and tangling and frizz.
My daughter has a husband who is a Stunt Man (big surprise) and he has lots of professional athletes around him as a result. They had a group of Olympic athletes staying with them and the athletes had heard the problem of my daughter not eating breakfast her whole life. She's a beautiful, very thin blond, funny, Malibu surfer, movie producer (now 26) and not eating the best meal of the day just was not a wise move on her part, especially with the hair issues and trying to resolve them. The athletes made a suggestion to her to begin eating breakfast by taking this particular supplement that is available at Target (even) , every day, which is the last half of the 1-2 punch.
At this point I knew nothing about this.
She came to get her hair done 6 weeks after this and I nearly dropped my drawers. WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR ? ? I think were my exact words. Her hair looked like it did when she was 12 . Long, thick, gorgeous, it was the single best turn-a-round in hair I had ever seen. Truly remarkable.
After discussing everything we had been thru with THRIVEN and then adding this new supplement...we decided it was the combo of the 2 and WHAMM BAMM, BINGO . . . .
I don't think she bought my theory at the time, but the minute she left I ran to Target and got my stash
It took 4 weeks .
My hair did the exact same thing.
I truly felt I had discovered the Holy Grail of Hair.
We were enjoying our yummy delicious hair for quite some time, until all the people sitting in my chair were complaining of hair thinning / loss. One of the most common complaints a hair stylist hears now-a-days, that when I came up with the protocol called 10,000HEADS - Hair STRENGTH System. Taking all the experience from working on over 10,000Heads of hair over the years, the chemistry knowledge and then the THRIVEN/Supplement Accident to come up with 12 Steps for 10,000HEADS System.
Step 2: SECRET Supplement ---> both of these are mandatory
sb10063609e-001 the next 10 need to be followed as closely as possible. Do not brush off, please.
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
Step 3: Nutrition ( 12 points)
Step 4: Shower Filter + Shower Water
Step 5: Smoking (nothing should be smoked for healthy hair)
Step 6: Hair Color
  • must be professional or best color one can afford.
  • NO BOX HAIR COLOR KITS (other ways to go cheap)
  • the blog is here to teach you this step, no excuse
Step 7: Shampoo - SLS-Free - buy the best you can afford
{remember how much you spend on make-up}
Step 8: Stress -this includes getting rid of all electrical devices and walking in the sand or dirt or grass ALONE. . . all alone. No IPOD. No phone, no nothing. Un-stress your life, please. This is mandatory 40 minutes per day 3-4 days per week.
Step 9: Drugs / Alcohol -- None to Social if need be. I know there are lots of younger people...but I have had a group of pro surfers quit their drinking as they came to me with tears in their eyes about their hair loss. We reviewed everything and they were doing the normal for that age and group : smokin and drinkin. I had them quit and take up YOGA. It cured 2 out of 5 + improved one other guy.I felt that was significant. If you are testing your triggers, to try to figure out what your is, quit drinking for 90 days,that seems to be about the shortest you can get away with for testing "triggers" longer is better but you should be able to make an honest truthful guess.
Step 10: Hair Tools . Limit the use of all Hot electrical tools. Flat Iron, Blow Dryer, curling iron, etc.. Especially the flat Iron.
Step 11: Yoga and Exercise
Step 12: Water . Drink at least one Liter per day. Every single dayvortex.jpg.
Take care of your hair FIRST . . . boys & girls.
Purchase Thriven

one click to PAY PAL purchase
$50.00/ 8 OZ Jar, Comes with 10 complimentary treatment caps
+ $8.95 shipping
= $58.95 total

Friday, May 23, 2008

Reasonably Priced Powerful Products

Tea Tree Aid

Remember my recommendation of ORGANIX HAIR as the best-least-expensive-shampoo that is SLS-FREE, which has all terrific ingredients to clean that mop on your head??
Remember? Well . . . . tea tree3
Organix has introduced Tea Tree Mint, a collection of hydrating, scented milk protein-infused hair treatments for over-processed tresses. Products include shampoo, conditioner, leave-in moisturizer mist, and a shea butter treatment.
Within the shea butter line is a new Liquid Glass Serum which is a blend of organic shea butter to instantly protect your hair with the unique nutrient infusion & hydrolyzed proteins, which protects, smoothes, conditions and shines your hair.  Yogurt proteins, shea butter and vitamins smooth, seal & shine, conditions & detangles dry damaged hair while preventing frizz . All this while giving your hair the radiant glow of glass.
These products are not going to be the caliber of my top recommendations (that are at least twice the price) , wouldn't it be marvelous if they the list of ingredients in each one of them they are extremely impressive, I have no hesitation in recommending them. For those of you that try them, please be sure to let everyone know how you like them, by writing in.
All available at select Target, Kroger, Safeway, Longs, CVS, check your local drug store.

Running with Color . . . Formulation

Killer Kolor Table

Stumbling across a formulation Chart from another company, I realized how helpful this might be to many of you. The more you understand about the entire procedure ...the better YOUR hair will turn out. Print it out on Cardboard and enlarge it, if you have the capability, studying this might give many of you a feeling of how the whole "color formulation" trick works.

It is not easy and will take a while for the "aha" moment, but I hope you will plod on. Study this...over and over and over. I disagree with a couple of their numbers. Having very rarely seen a Level 6 hair be properly lifted to a pleasant Level 10 leads to my conclusion that a couple numbers are wrong..BUT...I am hoping the whole chart in general gives you a broad picture of how color formulation works. If you have any questions about it, please ask in the "comments" section at the bottom of this post. If you are a Level 5, 6 or 7 and are looking to go to a Level 10 - Please ask a question about it first. These companies like to think their colors lighten MORE than they do. I have tested 10 companies High lift blonds ( Level 12's) and its nice to see they dream a lot in their Labs, I would post them but the differences are slight and do not show up in my photos. You need professional lighting and camera's for that, so I ask that you just trust me...maybe someday I can wrangle my daughter to do a technical photo shoot for me, but I don't have my hopes up...she's a busy busy bee.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Only You Can Prevent Gray Hair - Part 3

Hey, Gray and the saga continues


There are many qualifications about gray in the hair and how much gray does the person actually have? Less than 30%, more than 30% but less than 60%, or 60% to 100%? This can make a big difference in your color selection as well as in the formula you will use.

If it looks more natural than gray, there is less than 30%; if it appears even (salt and pepper), it is 30% to 60 %; if it looks more gray than natural, it is more than 60%.

If you have more than 60% gray, do not tint your hair to the color it used to be.... why? You are very used to looking at "lighter" hair <> Granted it was 'white/gray' hair but the overall look to you is lighter than what you used to be, so 9 times out of 10 the shock will not be good. Its much more appealing and effective to start off two to 3 levels lighter than the natural (original) color. The look will be more attractive and personally I feel too dark of hair on a mature person can be harsh, unattractive and basically unnatural. If you are dealing with gray you will have deal with roots anyway, so to deal with them and the lighter color of your hair can all be taken care of at the same time. Its no extra effort, it truly isn't. The lighter color will actually be so much more flattering to your skin, and complexion. Just because she has been promoting her book lately, I have seen Barbara Walters everywhere this week, now she has beautiful hair color for an elderly lady, she has a talented colorist with a great eye. I'm sure no one here is anywhere close to her age, but you get the idea, hopefully.

Gray, or white hair occurs when the hair bulb stops producing melanin. Gray hair is basically un-pigmented: it contains little underlying pigment, or none at all. Its white hair that appears gray by the reflection of darker hairs.

The concept of dominant underlying color helps to explain the way gray hair accepts artificial coloring. Cool colors do not cover gray as well as warm colors, because they do not contain what gray hair lacks, warmth. Warm hair coloring replaces the warm undertones, in effect filling (prepigmenting) the hair.

Manufacturers come up with formulation recommendations based on just average, normal hair in mind - - and its plain nuts. Who has average normal hair? No one in my 10,000 heads has ever had it, so somewhere they are hiding and I realize there has to be a base to go off of, but the case needs to be made super clear to you the public, which is why I am here. To try to help teach you all that buying one box will not color your hair properly, there are simply too many variables in hair texture, porosity, etc.. for one little box to have gorgeous color for you. Once you learn about your hairs particulars plus figure out your formula, then the magic can begin . . . at your handsheygray7!

RESISTANT HAIR Resistant and tenacious mean the exact same thing. A tenacious or resistant head of hair has a compact, unlifted cuticle which will RESIST absorption. Remember the cuticle, is like scales on a fish -- now think about those scales... laying down flat and not flexing. That is what a resistant hair is like and with that structure it will not accept hair color very easy, it resists the new color. The surface of the hair is slick, smooth and shiny. Resistant hair is sometimes said to have poor porosity, which is a very common trait of gray hair. It makes for a very difficult go of it, to color, although I have always found ways around the bugger problem.

One of the best tricks on the planet is to simply 'begin' using the best color for cuticle penetration, which is Renbow and that is one of many reason's I use it. Renbow is made by a famous Italian Colorist and is huge in Europe. The Line is so famous for its color penetration and quality that Paul Mitchell's entire new line of professional hair color is made by RENBOW, they call it PRIVATE LABEL. That is the only one I know for sure, I don't want to guess at it, but am fairly certain they make a couple others...they use a BEESWAX base, so its pretty easy to pick out, for those of you that have purchased it, once you get past the "mixing' (its a bit harder to mix) part, the colors are stupendous. You can do things with it like apply from the root to the ends without build-up! The absolute best mix for the most resistant gray hair on the planet is to mix Renbow's permanent Colorissimo Plus Renbow's RenColor!

'Tube' (in a tube) colors are the best for penetration and color and 'bottle' colors are the best for color and shine, add the 2 together and B I N G O, you have the Crème de la Crème . This is one of my deep secrets I've been holding back, remember I was going to write a book, so for those of you with a fanatic hair addiction - an ultimate trick - especially with resistant and gray hair.

Resistant/gray hair takes longer than average to soften and penetrate, therefore I leave it on not only to the maximum time but often 10-15 minutes longer. (The color doesn't go "past" the color you picked). Use very low developer volumes but sometimes even that isn't enough, Resistant gray hair some times requires pre-softening or pre-pigmentation.heygray8

Pre- softening the hair : to pre-soften those tough wiry gray hairs, apply a 20% peroxide to pop open the hair cuticle and soften the hair so that it will easily accept any color that is applied. Apply the peroxide, comb it through the hair, leave it on for 5-10 minutes, depending on your hair, and then rinse off. Then apply the desired color.

Personally I have never had to do this procedure, I have found with Renbow I never needed to, this was written for those that for one reason or another need it.

If you are interested in Renbow's products, > send email to -- the color charts are posted in the FILES section of our GOOGLE GROUP:

and for new members your first couple Posts are moderated, hang in there everything is fine.

A couple more Posts on Gray hair and the journey will be complete {for now} ;-) Killer Chemist

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Only You Can Prevent Gray Hair : Part 1

Age Graylessly Permanent Hair Color

The single biggest reason the process of hair coloring came about? Covering gray hair. It is still the number 1 reason the multi-billion dollar business exists, although the tide is changing.

So . . I bet many of you have wondered about the covering grays trick. . . and it IS a trick. Each haircoloring service is unique and, in the same vein, can present unique problems. Gray, white and salt & pepper hair all have characteristics that present unique coloring challenges. For instance, gray hair can turn orange if the lightener used is not processed long enough. There are a great many services I can provide here to help you cover up, enhance and (this month) to PREVENT gray. For the first time ever there is a new product that claims to prevent 50% of gray from appearing that I will make available to you, starting today. So today's post will be about this new product, I imagine when I am all done with Gray Hair instruction we will have a total of 8-9 posts, so sit back and relax, I will cover a lot.

An interesting marriage of 2 companies have produced this product, Shiseido and Joico. Now with this combo I am much more interested in the line than I was with Joico's color. I bought 4 tubes and tested all 4. Only 1 out of the 4 would I even consider using, I'm not sure who they are having make their color, but was not impressed.

Now this combo is brilliant sounding. Shiseido mainly a make-up, skin care and body products company decided to step into the world of hair, which is smart, hair products don't take much of a hit when a recession creeps up. People still adore their hair, and would rather not eat than take care of their hair ( clients have said those exact words to me numerous times !).

Instead of introduce a single new category to Shiseido they partnered with a successful hair company, JOICO, to introduce a whole new line. There are 2 main lines of shampoo/conditioner/restore... In this Post I am only going to talk about the RE:NU SERUM as it deals with PREVENTING GRAY, but there is a whole line of yummy looking products I am in the process of will take me a week or so to make my assessment & if the shampoo and conditioner and styling products turn out wonderful I will let you know.

Tracking down my "super gray" clients to give the serum to, is in order, to have a spot-on review...but I highly doubt 2 large reputable companies like this are going to make false claims, just doesn't seem likely to me. So I am going on the science I have reviewed. Joico/Shiseido has used one of my very favorite theories and one I use in fomulating THRIVEN and all my hair products as well. They now feel that "like skin" . . "hair ages" and degenerates with they have used some of the science and ingredients that I used with THRIVEN... I guess that is why I am so excited about this line. The ingredients:

  • Ceramides: improves hair's radiance and resiliency; used in many expensive face creams

  • Acai Oil: restores hair silkiness & softness; this oil is full of delicious vitamins and minerals, from rain forest , many pro athletes swear by this oil for its strength building properties

  • Cashmere Proteins: strengthens hair to prevent damage

  • Orchid Extract: protects hair against environmental stresses

Re:nual Serum comes in 2 sizes and is the result of 10 years of the most advanced hair research and development, this revolutionary scalp treatment formulated by Shiseido Laboratories slows down the graying process to keep gray hair at bay and maintain hair's youthful color and texture.
Over a 5 month period: Re:nual Serum users noticed 50% less gray than Non-users. (according to Shiseido Clinical Trials).

Re:Nu AGE DEFY is the only professional hair care system scientifically proven to address and reverse the key signs of aging hair:



There are 2 sizes and I will take additional pictures and the end of the day....This line sounds very exciting to me....I hope it performs as well as the science behind it and the ingredients IN IT... I'm sure it will.
Those of you with lots of GRAY and aged hair, this could be the biggest product to be produced for you, EVER.

BTW: This does not mean you will never have to get your hair colored again. Personally the reason I get mine colored is because the color - itself...adds so much to making it look younger. What this would be good for is buying yourself some time when you are busy or traveling or . .? Maybe not having to touch-up quite so often...... I like the anti-aging factors myself. With the ingredients that are in it, this just may be one of the most revolutionary products to come out in a long time.

Please send me an email if you are interested in purchasing