Testing Testing
10,000HEADS: Healthy Hair Protocol – Involves 2 basic starter ingredients THRIVEN and the Secret Supplement. This hair strength program is suited for:
- Unusual hair thinning in past 10 + years
- Unique hair LOSS in past & present
- Hair damage – explained or unexplained
The program consists of 2 Ingredients within the 10 Steps
10 Tough Steps that truly need to be analyzed so that you understand why you are doing them. I have tried just laying them out, I find that does not work. In the Clinic when I have people actually sit in my chair, they pay to listen to what I have to tell them.
I need you to do the same
You are purchasing THRIVEN and the Secret Supplement which shows me that you are serious about the Regimen.The reason I think this has worked as well as it has? Its really not that hard.
You should know in 90 days if this protocol will work for you. That is not very long. I have found if programs are too long most of you will lose interest. Part of the thrill of 10,000 HEADS for me ?
Sometimes a client will show super results in the first week after 2 THRIVEN treatments and a week of the supplement.
I am not kidding, about 10-15% of all my clients have (almost) immediate results and that sets them all a flutter ( & me too ).
So I hope and pray that will be you , I know it sounds weird but when that happens it gives me the biggest smile for the entire rest of the day. It just fill me with a wonderful sense of accomplishment!
This protocol was actually founded by a number of unique accidents - so the fact that it works the way it does I feel was given to me by God. There is no other way to explain it. That's how crazy it is to me.
This protocol began 50 years ago, stemming from my fascination in the body, the hair, the make-up, the chemistry, the beauty and the health of the body. Born and raised here in southern California, there really was no way around the way I grew up. My entire family and extended family are professional athletes as Hollywood Stunt men and Stunt women. This puts you and tour mind set into having a healthy body from an infant. My one daughter did a stunt- baby commercial when she was 4 in diapers where she fell from a high plank into a trampoline for the "BOUNCE" sheets you put in the dryer... at 4 years old! So that shows you how long sports - health - take care of your body- is drilled into me and my kind. Its just been the way I live my life, and once I moved over into the world of HAIR, I found some of the tricks of being a professional athlete were helpful in the health of hair.
I was also lucky enough to have a terrific father that afforded me and my brothers the wonderful luxury of being raised a healthy jock my entire lifetime. We rode motorcycles, water and snow skied , raced cars, sailed, played tennis, raquetball and the list goes on and on and lived a terrific life thanks to him and his concern for us that we do the things he never could as a child. I just feel doing all those things, showed me how taking care of your body from the inside ---> OUT, is as important as Outside --> IN.
So many of us today are so busy with our lives...we simply do NOT take care of our bodies, the way they should be. That is one of the main reasons for all the hair loss and damage right now ... I wanted to conquer that big problem on my own.
This may sound crazy to you, but in the hundreds of people that came to visit me in the beginnings of my Clinic (BS - before Sick, I call it) I cured about 90% of them.
That is HUGE, in my opinion.... the deal is with my background, I don' t seem like the likely candidate for solving this big of a problem . . . come on - I get it....I'm still baffled at my luck . . .
I keep waiting for it to stop working . . . . . .and you know what? ? ?
About 1/4 of them took about a full year, but . . still ...............their hair was cured.
Many of you won't want to do some the steps...
Your too tired
It costs too much
I'm over it.. ..
whatever all the excuses . . . I hear . . . . but the deal is . . . .
I had 2 years of no hair, I KNOW HOW IT FEELS
I don't know if there is anything worse than the thought of NO HAIR
even though you will hear me say:
It truly is - only hair
It truly is - only hair
I am posting this as a test . . . Blogger has just informed me there is a problem with my BLOG. Saying it has been tampered with – which I am sure is a result of those mean comments a couple of you made...... you know if you don’t like the blog, I just don’t understand why you even waste the time – there are so many other places you can go. Different strokes , but please don't ruin it for the others...
I am very upset as I was going to start my new series on the 10,000HEADS Regimen – Up Close and Personal, having always wanted to go in depth on the 10 Steps for the readers. So instead of risk losing that post, I am going to gamble with this one and see if it works and what happens. Hang in there . . . I promise it is coming.
To purchase 10,000HEADS basic product............
THRIVEN . . . click here
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