Bleach & Tone Process
Application of Toner
Shopping List
- Towels
- Tail Comb
- Latex Gloves (small)
- Clips
- Cape or Old T-shirt
- Plastic/Glass Bowl
- Shampoo SLS-free
- Peroxide - 10-20 Volume
- After/Treatment Rinse {Wella IN DEPTH}
- Cotton
- Toner
- Protective Cream
- Tint Brush
- Timer

- Prelighten to FROZEN BUTTER.
- Shampoo hair super lightly ( most likely this is already done), after-treatment conditioner, rinse, and towel-dry.
- Select the desired Toner Shade - check manufacturer's directions as to whether the hair is better dry or wet ?...they are ALL different.
- Apply protective cream around hairline and over ears.
- Perform a strand test, for allergies. ( I have to suggest this, its up to you)
- Toners are both --- sometimes non-oxidative (which means it does not use Developer - its used straight out of bottle or tube), some times oxidative, usually 10 -15 Volume is for Toners in the rare case. 20 volume. NO OTHER VOLUME. I can see a lot of you do not quite understand VOLUME'S. Remember 10 Volume - deposits color only. There is no lift ( lightening). 15 Volume is deposit only. The idea here is to deposit a very light OPAQUE ( think of Nylons or Opaque pantyhose in this case) "Tone" on top of the lightened hair. An Ice beige, a Platinum, Rosy beige, there are a zillion colors like this. If you cannot figure this out.... you cannot go wrong by using a Platinum toner. Platinum would be Gwen Stefani's hair, everyone loves Platinum.

- Part the hair into 4 equal sections, using a tail comb or tint brush...you must be VERY gentle to the scalp it will be very tender (on some), avoid scratching it.
- Mix the Toner according to manufacturer's directions.
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