Projects similar to what I used to run 15-16 years ago when trying to decipher this mess myself. I had a helluva time understanding this, I swear. It was like a foreign language to me I can see after recently cracking open my notebook and reviewing some of my old notes. At least once a month from now on we will have one of these demonstrations, I am shooting for 2. I have a list already of what to tackle.
One of my goals to make the site better for you, the readers, is to save up to
I will attempt to lay captions so you can understand the process and goal.
- To show Killerstranders how bleach works on a LEVEL 7G (gold - toned). In minutes & hours.
- How Toner works
I don't mean "you" I mean many of the heads of hair walking around the planet.
Therefore I wanted to show how slow the process really takes.
Began with 8 swatches of Level 7 G hair from a 12 year old who came to donate her hair to LOCKS OF LOVE, I figured you all would be just as grateful for her contribution (not to worry: I sent in her other braid).
Unfortunately the lighting does not do the color justice, trust me this is a solid Level 7 G hair.
Closing up the foils to protect and conduct heat , foils are available at Sallys or you get a few with an order if you request them.
The FIRST swatch 15 minutes - will always be one of the biggest changes, then the change tapers off.

Bleach and 30 - 45 - 60 minutes the change starts to slow down, and is less apparent...although it is still working to get to the level that you need it at.

Bleach on the hair for 3 1/2 hours is where the difference is finally made visible. I would never let anyone walk out of the Salon with that either unless, they were headed toward a LEVEL 8 /9 Blond. Which would take a very powerful Toner to tone down the yellow.
Bleach and 30 - 45 - 60 minutes the change starts to slow down, and is less apparent...although it is still working to get to the level that you need it at.
Bleach on the hair for 3 1/2 hours is where the difference is finally made visible. I would never let anyone walk out of the Salon with that either unless, they were headed toward a LEVEL 8 /9 Blond. Which would take a very powerful Toner to tone down the yellow.
NOT all hair can be ALL colors - remember that

See what the 10/89 Pearl Ash toner does to it at 3.1/2 hours? Not much! Its much more than it appears in this photo but not enough for me to be happy with.
See what the 10/89 Pearl Ash toner does to it at 3.1/2 hours? Not much! Its much more than it appears in this photo but not enough for me to be happy with.
The blank sheet of paper is the next day I decided to run the hair through bleach for 90 more minutes! So 5 hours on Level 7 hair and it honestly could have taken about another 30 minutes to reach that Gwen Stefani blond.

The swatch on the left has no toner the swatch on the right has the 10/89 Toner.
Down lower here with the 6 swatches....and taken in better light...I think you can see the gradient change even better.
That is 15 min. - 45 min - 3 1/2 hours - 5 hours & 5 hours with toner
The last 2 swatches?
Level 7hair with 5 hours and 2 complete batches of bleach and 40 volume......and TONER.
So it takes pretty much an entire day to reach this....and that is on LEVEL 7 hair which is light
Those of you with darker hair keep that in mind.
Any questions?
At the very bottom of this page ...is a SLIDE show of the experiment >with captions, to clarify - check it out
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