Silver Jar - Ammonia w/ bleach Gold Jar -- No Ammonia
Goal: Observe strength of Bleach with & without Ammonia on Level 4 hair strips
1) Apply bleach to Level 4 strips in foil and set timers
Test one strip with MAGMA Colored Bleach by WELLA : Bleach & Tone in 1 step
Best part? -- it works -
Limitations? Color selection
Very difficult to see - I know - the darker the hair the less you see in photos - in person it looked great.
This is Level 4 with 12 ASH + 40V = a very nice and warm - Level 7 Hair.
Here are the bleach swatches . . . Check out the Level 4 > lightened 60 minutes
swaches . . . . .
The rest of the swatches.
no toner has been used --
this was a childs hair,
I always believe a childs hair is when your hair will be the best...
What is very apparent here is this . . .
there seems to be absolutely no difference in the bleach "with" ammonia or the Bleach "without" ammonia
?? What does that tell me?? It tells me that "ammonia" is just the "word" of the moment....all the color that is labeled "without ammonia".....
What does everyone know about ammonia?
what I know - makes me want it -
When I want to lighten hair I want ammonia
so I can get the hair to the proper Level it needs to be, otherwise it will only get to the "orange-gold-yellow" stage, which is what happens when you don't use professional color.
Do you know that is the one big difference in the hair color that you can purchase at Sally's versus the professional color I make available to you ?
the ammonia content.
When you mix professional color the "light" colors pack a punch, when the product is poured into the bowl then the developer is added - the aroma is semi powerful...personally I love it. Some don't - its like that paint smell I guess.
I know something good is going to happen - so I enjoy it...
the sign of a true Hair Colorist!
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