90% of women use hair conditioners -
75% say their hair is damaged
Come on girls, what's wrong with this picture? Does this show you clearly now... how pointless a daily conditioner is ?My dream when in the Salon was always to open a HAIR HEALTH SPA. A spa where the one and only concern once you walked in was the health of your hair - not skin, not body...but hair! I've heard of just a couple in the whole United States, just like spa's take care of skin, salons should take care of hair. Hair needs to be analyzed, deciphered and given an RX so the client learns how to take care of it the proper way. I have spent my entire career teaching my clients what I know about taking care of their hair and I seem to be the only one doing it. When I get new clients that come to me from other stylists they have never heard of any of my advice or knowledge, it blows me away. So I hope to impart on the world what I have been teaching my clients for the past 14 years, that works. It really works.
I am in utter amazement 1/2 the time, why am I the only one trying to figure it out?
A stack of surveys notes that 79% of women are on a quest to solve their damage problem, a hefty amount of people in my book.
After spending 2 years learning Cosmetic Chemistry, I came up with what I feel is the one and only deep conditioner that truly does work to repair hair damage: THRIVEN.
After running tests and surveying Clients opinions for 2 years I am confidant in recommending it as a solution not just a cover-up to damaged hair. No, it does not take a completely dead, lifeless & destroyed hair and give it life, that is not possible. There is a line, a line where the hair can be helped - I've argued to within an inch of my life with chemists that don't agree with me...its hard to define in 'words', I can tell you the minute I feel and look at the hair...which is what makes dealing with hair "online" the most difficult for me. So much of it is visual and in 'touch' and I never realized how much until I took this on. When I feel hair I can tell you whether it can be revived or not...you can feel 'life' in it or not.
What THRIVEN does help, is hair that is:
- malnourished
- damaged
- over-processed
- lifeless
- dry split ends
- fragile
- frizzy
- kinky
- over flat ironed
- dull
- not growing

An 8 ounce jar is $50.00, it can be purchased from Killerstrands through PAY PAL, by sending an email to Killerstrands@gmail.com and placing "PRODUCT ORDER" in the subject space. I don't recommend anything I do not fully believe in, have not tested through my "own" research & lab work and most importantly the results I gained from the over 10,000 heads of hair that have sat in my chair .
I have witnessed this conditioner give shine and luster to hair with none - over and over. If you have any of the above problems and apply this conditioner (at least) 1-2 times a week using the "slumber" method, ------> 'sleep' with it in
It will begin to be repaired.
Watch the magic.
* * * * * * * * * I've been asked about the ingredients of THRIVEN. . . if I was being thorough, I would have posted them up-front, my sincere apologies * * * * * * * * * *

To Purchase THRIVEN and info on the Secret Supplement : the cornerstone of 10,000HEADS..... simply click here and visit KillerStrands new Store :
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